Page 84 of Deception

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Student files!

I quickly rifled through them, trying to figure out the method he was using to categorize his files. It obviously wasn’t alphabetical order, because that would have been too convenient.

No, this had to take as much time as possible for the right amount of dramatic tension to build. If it went too quickly, Sam and Varon wouldn’t get a chance to sweat. Remy and Darrio would barely be in position when they got the text that we were all clear.

A familiar name jumped out at me.

Remy Mors.

I yanked it out and set it on the floor beside me, then resumed my search. I moved as quickly as I could without disrupting the drawer. The less I could make it look like someone had been digging through it, the better.

My throat tightened, and I could have cried with relief.

I finally saw my name.

It was shoved toward the back, and I had started to think that maybe my file wasn’t here. I grasped it with trembling fingers and set it in my lap. I didn’t have time to go through it slowly and peruse the information, but I still needed a second to gather my thoughts before I could read whatever secrets might be contained within.

Opening the innocuous manila folder seemed like something so monumental, like I had found a lost testament in the Christian Bible. When I finally mustered up the courage and saw the first document inside, I was… confused.

It was all about me, but these were handwritten notes from Brodgan. Things he had written down following our sessions, from the look of it.

Thea still doesn’t acknowledge her power. She considers it a separate entity rather than an integral part of her person.

Slight progress, but still a ways to go in growing her confidence enough to control her outbursts of power.

Consider more practical means, simple discussion does not seem to be having the desired effect.

Fears being honest about her nature, but it seems she is still holding something back. Whatever it is, that is what is affecting her ability to tap into her power at will.

There were several pages of notes, each one similar to the first, and when I got to the final page that contained his handwriting, I flipped it to find the single typewritten page in the folder.

Thea Keres

Mother: Evelyn Keres

Father: Luther Keres

Notable connections:

River Pond

Raquel Simon

Darrio Evans

Sammiel Freeman

Remy Mors

What the hell was this? Why was he keeping track of who I associated with at school? It made sense for him to have my family there, but my friends?

What unsettled me the most was Remy’s name at the bottom of the list.

Remy and I frequently met in the abandoned wing of the school, Brodgan couldn’t have any idea, unless we were being watched more than we knew. And that would also mean if he happened to come out of the staff meeting early, he was more likely to realize Remy had been stalling him if he saw that his office had been disturbed.

The second I got caught for this, Remy went down, too.

Varon’s name hadn’t made the list, but that tracked. We had only recently begun to talk without murderous intent, so why would he think Varon was a notable acquaintance?

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