Page 83 of Deception

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As we re-entered the school, we split off in three directions. I walked as nonchalantly as I could, but I knew we must look strange with a widely smiling Sam on one side and a broody, frowning Varon on the other. Those two really were night and day, and I still didn’t understand the bond of friendship they had created.

When we reached Brodgan’s office a few moments later, I paused at the door and looked to each of them.


“As soon as we get the message from Remy, we’ll go.”

“You guys can’t come in with me.”

“The fuck we can’t! That was never part of the plan.” Sam’s easygoing manner had disappeared in a split second. “What if he has some kind of security system, or what if someone’s in there waiting for him? You never know what might happen.”

“If you don’t hear me scream in the first few seconds, then everything is fine. If there’s a security camera, I’ll be the only one caught on it. I told you already, I won’t have any of you punished or suffering for something I needed. I’m not going to argue with you. Either of you,” I added when it looked like Varon was about to complain as well.

“Just let her go, Sam. The longer we keep her out here arguing, the more likely she is to get caught.” He turned to me. “You know where the key to his file cabinet is, right?”

“Yes, I’ve seen him pull it out of the top right drawer.” I had no doubt he would leave it there, easily accessible. What student would ever be stupid enough to break into his office and go through his personal files?

Hi, I’m Thea, and I’m a delinquent!

My phone dinged, and I checked the message.


We’d have to discuss Remy’s overuse of capital letters when I saw him next.

“Remy says we’re good. Time to go.”

“Hurry it up, Killer. The faster you’re in, the faster we’re out.”

I drew in a steadying breath and placed my hand on the knob. My shoulders relaxed when it didn’t zap me with electricity or burn me at the touch. I hadn’t expected it to, but it just seemed like the kind of bullshit the Universe would pull on me.

Bracing myself, I opened the door just wide enough to slip through, and pulled it shut behind me. The lights in the office were dim, the blinds over the windows closed for the day. I hurried to Brodgan’s desk drawer and pulled out the key.

It was exactly where I thought it would be, but it felt a little too easy. Wasn’t this the point in the movies where something went wrong? Should I prepare myself to be caught by a secret gremlin that he kept in a potted plant or something?

When nothing attacked me from the shadows, I rushed to the cabinet, my heart plummeting when I realized the drawers weren’t labeled. Going through all of them to find our files would take time I didn’t have. How inconsiderate of the professor. Didn’t he take student thieves into consideration when creating his organization system?

The first drawer was filled with graded papers. They went back several years, and I came to my first conclusion of the afternoon.

Professor Brodgan was a hoarder.

Seriously, what good was an essay from seven years ago? The next drawer seemed to be nothing but supplemental materials for lectures, as well as several printed articles. Nothing helpful to me.

Two more drawers, and my gut was clenching a little tighter with each passing moment.

What if he didn’t even keep those papers in here? Student files that held our most personal information might be kept in a safer location. Perhaps that was why he felt so safe leaving the key in such an open and obvious place.

And here we thought we’d been so clever.

The fifth drawer was just as useless. Snacks. Any other day, I probably would have been excited to find such a stash; it had several of my favorites that weren’t available in the many kitchens scattered throughout the school.

Today, it only ratcheted up my growing disappointment.

Before I opened the sixth and final drawer, I grasped the handle and said a quick prayer to whoever might be listening. The cold metal on my palm seemed to mock me, knowing it was my last hope of finding what I was searching for.

I pulled it open and excited anticipation flared to life at the mass of manila folders stuffed inside. My heart pounded in my chest and my hand shook slightly as I reached in to grab a random folder. I drew it out and saw a name on the tab.

Josiah Merkel.

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