Page 82 of Deception

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“Idon’t like it.”

“Neither do I.”

“It’s a stupid plan.”

“If you have a better one, please speak up. If not, shut up and get on board.”

It was days later, and we were back in the rose garden, going on minute forty-two of their argument. Or maybe it was fifty-seven. All constructs of time had ceased to exist in the garden, and I had gotten bored very quickly. Rather than stand there and listen to all their posturing and debating, I had lain on the grass to take in the beautiful roses. They were just as lush as the day I had made them blossom here with Remy.

I should cut some and take them back to my room to put in a vase. I might have felt bad about killing something so beautiful, but as Brodgan had shown me, I could keep them alive indefinitely.

The plan they were arguing over was solid. I already knew it was what we were going to end up doing, which was why I had removed myself from the conversation. The only reason most of them didn’t like it was because it separated the four of them.

I could have stepped in and tried to end it, but they needed to work this out among themselves. I wanted them all to get along, and not just when I was around. If they couldn’t settle simple disputes without my intervention, this was never going to work.

And what exactly is “this” that you want to work out so desperately, Thea?

I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. I had been with each of them, and they all knew it. Yet not a single one of them had expressed jealousy beyond a smartass remark here and there. Was that a permanent thing? Or would shit eventually hit the fan and a real battle for my attention break out among them instead of just the occasional barbs they threw now?

I hoped not, but I wasn’t sure how to best broach the topic to make sure that wasn’t on the horizon.

Hey, I like you, but I also like all three of them, so I want to keep fucking all of you. That’s cool, right? No problems?

Honestly, it wasn’t all about the sex. I mean, the sex was phenomenal, and even considering the word “sex” in their presence was enough to get me wet. But I truly cared for each of them.

Varon was still my wild card, and I didn’t know if anything beyond a physical relationship would ever come to be, but I worried about him just as much as the others. Hell, this would all be so much easier if it was only about the physical. It would be far less of a strain on my heart.

“If she wants to do it, then we’re going to do it. I don’t see how we’re even still discussing this.”

“Because it puts her at too much risk. If you want us to split up, then she shouldn’t be involved at all.”

Oh, hell no.

I stood up and stomped over to them at Darrio’s last comment.

“Sorry, who shouldn’t be involved? Are you forgetting who this is about? I appreciate all of your help, but I’m not sitting out when this is about me. Unless one of you has the power of invisibility and hasn’t told me, there’s no way for anyone to get in and out with zero risk. Therefore, if even one of you is going to be at risk for something that has nothing to do with you, then I’m going to be right there with you. What kind of person would I be if I weren’t?”

“A safe one.” Remy and Darrio nodded in agreement with Varon.

Well, they could all kiss my ass. I wasn’t going to tell them that, however, because I was sure that three of the four would make a comment about how they would love to. Buncha pervs.

“A selfish one. And I’m not selfish. You should all know that about me by now.” They started to argue, but I held up my hand. “We all know this is the only way. And the longer we stand here arguing about it, the longer it takes for the plan to be executed. This is the day they have staff meetings, so it’s our best chance. If we don’t do it now, we’ll have to wait another two weeks.”

“Then we should wait the two weeks and come up with something better in the meantime.” Remy sounded reasonable, but I didn’t agree.

“After what happened to me in that cave, I have to know where I come from. What if the urge to go back comes over me? What if my tie to the Underworld is too strong to ignore? You guys can’t be with me at all times. If I know what to expect, I’m better prepared to prevent it.”

I had them, and they knew it.

“So Varon, Sam, and I will go into Brodgan’s office. Remy will keep an eye on the staff meeting to make sure they don’t let out early, and Darrio will watch out for Illyria, since that bitch has a habit of popping up where she’s not wanted.”

The genius of the plan was in its simplicity. If anyone caught us in Brodgan’s office, Sam and Varon were the perfect accomplices to have. Sam could make anyone believe any lie he told, and Varon could create truth with his words. Darrio could get payback by throwing Illyria into an orgasmic fit if she got too close, and Remy could use the pretense of catching up with Brodgan because his power was flaring up after being confined to the campus for so long.

“It’s now or never. And the ‘never’ will just be for you guys. It’s now for me, so come if you want.”

“You heard the lady, let’s go.” Sam strode toward the door with purpose, and I wondered if he wanted to know where I came from as much as I did. Or perhaps he was hoping to find out more information about his own past. If I could, I would grab what I could find about each of them, take pictures, and return the files exactly as I had found them. Then I could tell them if they wanted to know. If not, I could always delete it. No harm done.

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