Page 81 of Deception

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“That’s more like it.” His gaze went soft, and he stepped closer. He hooked a finger beneath my chin and tilted my face up so he could press a soft kiss against my lips.

“Alright, enough of that. We can get to all of that stuff later. What’s on your mind, Red? You were fine before class, what happened?”

I suddenly felt kind of stupid for letting this whole thing get to me. I almost changed my mind and didn’t say a word about it, but then I realized that these two would never make me feel bad for needing to know more about myself and where I had come from, even if I’d been adamantly against it before.

“I need to find out who my parents are.”

“Okay, and?” Sam looked confused and glanced toward Darrio for answers. “Is that what upset you in class?”

“Zhang was talking about our origins and how our abilities are determined, and it got me thinking. I need to know where I come from and how I ended up like this. I’m not normal, and it must have something to do with my parents.” True, it could also just be some weird, freakish thing about me, but it was easier to blame people I had never met and already had a grudge against than to accept the flaw was inherently mine.

“I guess I’m not understanding the issue. So you changed your mind, big deal. Why can’t you just ask Brodgan or Day what they know?”

“Do you really think I’m going to ask Day for anything after seeing her in the forest with Illyria like that? Whatever the hell she has going on, letting her know I have a vulnerability, even something as inconsequential as curiosity, could prove to be disastrous. Until I figure out what her endgame is, she’s off-limits as a resource.”

“And Brodgan?”

“Same thing. There’s something off with him, and I don’t know if it’s because of Day, or maybe he has a thing for me, but—”

“I’m sorry, would you like to run that by me again? You think Brodgan has a thing for you?” Sam forced the words out between clenched teeth.

“No, I don’t, but I’m also not going to write it off entirely. I’m pretty sure he’s having an affair with Kate. If he sleeps with students, he might be hoping he’ll get that chance with me.” If I didn’t know any better, I would say that Darrio had smoke coming out of his ears. “Which, of course, he won’t. But still, that could be the reason he acts so strange during our sessions.”

“I don’t think you should go to those anymore.”

Sam nodded his agreement.

“I wish I didn’t have to, but I don’t see what choice I have. Day ordered it, and Brodgan supports her decision. What do you think will happen if I just say no and stop showing up?”

Neither of them had a response because they knew I was right. Hiding my power over death was already risky enough.

“Exactly. And since I don’t want them to know how badly I want the information, there has to be another way to find out.”

“There is.” Sam looked thoughtful as he turned to Darrio. “How willing are you to get into trouble?”

“For her? I think you know the answer to that.”

“Good. We’re going to need Remy and Varon, too.”

“I don’t know if I like the sound of this.” Any plan requiring all four of them already sounded way too complicated and far too risky. “I don’t want any of this coming back on you guys.”

“Tough shit, Red.” He stepped closer until he and Sam practically had me sandwiched between them. I couldn’t even lie, I wasn’t mad at it. In fact, I was tempted to grab both of their shirt-fronts and pull them in even tighter. “You need this. That means we’re going to do what we have to in order to make it happen.”

“But what if it gets you–any of you–expelled?”

“We’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen. Don’t worry, Puff, it’s a good idea. And if all else fails, we lie our way out of it. You know that’s my specialty.” The cocky smirk he gave me didn’t make me feel any better. My stomach was roiling at the thought of them facing consequences because of my need for answers.

“Hey, seriously. Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” Darrio spoke with a lot of confidence for a man who had no idea what he was getting himself into.

“Alight, here’s the plan.” Sam raised his arms and gestured for us to huddle together.

“Come on, man, we’re not planning an elaborate heist in a movie. Tell us what we need to do so we can fill in the others later.”

“Ah, but we are planning an elaborate heist. Only instead of stealing a priceless gem, we’re stealing state secrets.”

“If you’re not going to take this seriously, I’ll come up with something on my own.” Darrio’s patience was quickly disappearing.

“I may be smiling, but I’m deadly serious. I would never risk something happening to her, or even to any of us. The fewer of us that remain at Divinity, the more danger she’s in. It means she’s easier to get to for people like Illyria and Connor.” He gave me a wry smile. “I just happen to have a flair for the dramatic.”

And then he proceeded to earn his Oscar as he detailed his plan.

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