Page 77 of Deception

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“Came to talk to you about what?”

“He was worried, Puff. We all are.”

I glanced around at them, and they each, in turn, gave me some kind of affirmation.

“Worried about me how?”

“Your ability isn’t under control. We all know what you’re capable of, and what you’ve done by mistake. If you don’t get a handle on things, you’re going to hurt someone you don’t intend to. The ones who deserve it, I don’t care what you do to them. But if you accidentally hurt Rocky, or River, it would crush you.”

“So you decided to have a super-secret meeting to talk about me rather than to me so that I could be an active participant?”

“You still weren’t talking to me, Puff. Darrio knew that, and to our knowledge, you weren’t talking to Remy, either. Not to mention you and Varon are oil and water. I think any meeting we had before now would have ended in a bloodbath.”

Alright, that was fair. Each of them had pissed me off in one way or another, and I wouldn’t have had any interest in them staging an intervention. But they were right. If I hurt someone innocent, it would destroy a piece of me.

“And what was the result of your little meeting?”

“I told him about the necklace. We agreed we would encourage you to wear it.”

“Necklace?” Remy’s brows furrowed, and I could tell he didn’t like being out of the loop about something that pertained to my control over my abilities. As far as he was concerned, that was his domain.

“It’s a pendant that belonged to my older sister. When I got here, Alvina had someone bespell it to help me get a handle on my new ability.” Varon shook his head. “You have no idea how difficult it is to walk around among people who don’t even understand the concept of truth half the time. Hearing that many lies was going to damage my mind permanently. Until I learned control, I kept it on me at all times.”

“And you just gave it to Thea? I thought you had issues with her, despite the fact you obviously want her in your bed.”

“I didn’t, I did, and I do.”

It took me a second to figure that one out, and I’m sure I looked ridiculous as I mentally lined up his answers with Remy’s statement. What I got out of it was that he wanted me in his bed. Couldn’t say I was mad at it. Hell, sign me up as a frequent flyer if it was going to be anywhere near as good as the first time.

“Then how did she get it?”

“That would be on me.” Sam raised his hand to take the blame, and Varon glared at him. “I knew she was struggling, and after what happened on her first night. It was way too dangerous to leave her without some form of protection. Even if it was only from herself. Varon didn’t need it anymore, so I took it out of the drawer he’d stuffed it in and gave it to her.”

“Can’t say I appreciated that, but considering that we were getting along a little better after I saved her ass–again–I decided to let her hang on to it. Imagine my surprise when I realized you weren’t even using it, Killer.” I flushed under his stare, but didn’t look away.

Oh well, Sam shouldn’t have been a sneaky asshole, and then we never would have had this problem.

“Given what it does, Fury, I think you should probably have it on you at all times until you’ve mastered control. Even after you do, with a power like yours, it wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of backup. You never know when the next crazy blonde is going to try to kill you in the woods in the middle of the night.”

“Which brings us back to what Illyria was doing there in the first place. You say she was there meeting with Alvina, but what exactly is she doing for her? What could be so important that Alvina needs a clairvoyant on the payroll?”

I shrugged in frustration at Darrio’s questions. “Fuck if I know. I couldn’t exactly ask while she had me tied up and naked.”

“I have to say, Puff, I like the sound of that, though not the situation it occurred in. But I’m definitely adding that to our playbook.” Even though I had yet to outright forgive Sam, apparently in his mind, all was well.

I had forgiven him, though. I honestly just didn’t have the energy to hold a grudge any longer. He’d been there for me even when I didn’t want him to be, doing his best to protect me from any danger.

Including myself.

On top of that, it was exhausting trying to keep up with which of them I was angry with and which of them I was sleeping with, not to mention which ones that I was angry to be sleeping with, and sleeping with despite being angry.

Wait, what?

I shook my head, cheeks blazing, and Sam had a field day.

“Looks to me like you’re plenty interested in a little bondage play.”

“I’m going to need you to calm all the way down with that. Who knows, I might end up having a flashback and lashing out. Have you ever wanted to be a mummy? I doubt it.”

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