Page 76 of Deception

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“You guys feel free to stand out here and stare each other down as long as you’d like. I, on the other hand, have small pebbles and what might be a two-inch twig in the crack of my ass. So I’m going to go shower and perform a twig-ectomy, and if any of you are still alive by the time I come back out, we can discuss what happened.”

Remy, Darrio, and Sam scowled, but I paid them no mind and turned to walk into my bedroom. Varon stepped aside to let me pass, the grin on his face wider than I’d seen it before.

The shower was a heavenly experience. The brown water that swirled around my feet was disgusting, but it meant I was finally getting clean again.

I took my sweet time lathering my body, deep conditioning and detangling my hair while still in the shower, and applying a leave-in conditioner when I stepped out. The missing chunk pissed me off, but thankfully, I had more than enough remaining curls to cover the loss.

Towel wrapped tightly around me, I exited the bathroom to find all four of them seated around my room. Three, I expected, but I had assumed Varon would leave once he knew Sam was calm and no longer in danger of beating the hell out of anyone.

Still gathering my thoughts, I wordlessly crossed to my dresser, pulled out a clean pair of panties, and slipped them on beneath the towel. I wasn’t exactly careful, and someone may have gotten a peek, but I didn’t have the energy to try to be modest. When I had on leggings and a big t-shirt, I went straight to my bed and climbed up. I tucked my legs beneath the covers and sat back against the headboard.

I had barely settled when Darrio came and took his place beside me. The others had no more intention of giving me space. Sam joined us on the bed, while Remy sat in my desk chair and moved it close enough that he could lean his elbows on the edge of the mattress. Varon sat down at the foot, and I did my level best to ignore the fact I now had four men “in bed” with me.

“I’m sorry, Red. Remy explained some of what happened, but wouldn’t go into detail. I know he didn’t hurt you, so I’ll keep my cool. Promise.” Darrio squeezed my knee, the warmth of his hand seeping through the blanket.

“It’s okay. I probably would have reacted the same in your position. Or worse. I fight dirty, which means there would have been weapons involved.”

“That’s my girl.” Darrio grinned, but there was no light behind it.

Starting with waking up with my head in the wrong person’s lap, I filled them in on everything that had happened up until we walked back into the suite.

By the time I finished, I was amazed Darrio hadn’t ground his teeth into enamel dust. Sam also looked angry enough to detonate with no further provocation, and as always, Varon surprised me. When I looked to him, I saw he looked just as livid as the others.

The only one with any semblance of calm was Remy, and that was because he had already dealt with everything the night before.

“I’m going to kill her.”

“No, you aren’t, because I’m going to slaughter the bitch first.” Sam glared at Darrio, daring him to challenge his right to be the one to take her out.

“If anyone is going to kill that bitch, it’s going to be me. I have more right than either of you.” Varon had a point, but at the end of the day, the only one who was going to end her was me.

“I appreciate all of your concern and your willingness to commit homicide over what she did to me, but she did it to me. Not you. I know it goes against your instincts, but none of you are to do anything.”

“The hell with that—”

“Do you really expect us to—?”

“I’ll be damned if I’m about to—”

I held up a hand to silence them, and to my surprise, it actually worked. Varon had remained silent on that one, which made me curious about his intentions regarding Illyria.

“This isn’t the first time she’s tried some shit like this with me, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’m not about to let you fight my battles for me, because then she’ll see every moment I’m not with one of you as a weak moment in which she can attack. She needs to learn I am not someone to be fucked with all on my own.”

“She’s right.” Varon met my gaze as he spoke to the rest of the guys. “Until Illyria understands that messing with Thea comes with consequences Thea herself dishes out, she’ll continue to test her.”

“Exactly. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, or when, but believe me, she’s going to get hers. As are her little friends. I don’t know who helped her by giving her that spell, but they are complicit in her actions. That means they’ll share in her punishment.”

“I don’t think you should be staying in this room any longer.” Remy leaned forward, pushing his elbows deeper into the edge of the mattress. It dipped, and Sam adjusted himself by scooting closer to me. I could feel the heat of his body and Darrio’s, each of them warming me and casting out the chill that had clung to me since last night.

“Neither do I,” agreed Darrio. “You should stay in our room. If River is okay with it, you can swap with Ben. If not, then he can just get the fuck out. After I’m done with him, he’s going to want to move out, anyway.”

I was glad River wasn’t there to hear him say that. I liked my sex god uncharred. She’d be back in a few hours if she studied in the library after class like usual, and I needed to have these four hulking bodies out of our room by then.

“Don’t you dare do anything to him. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it. River probably kicked him off the couch. That was the only space open since you left me there alone. And speaking of that, where the hell did you go? And why didn’t you ever come back?”

“He came to talk to me.” Sam placed a hand on my thigh and ran it up and down. The touch was meant to be comforting, but I couldn’t lie. His hand so close to certain areas had others perking up and taking notice. Which made sense; my nipples had never been on my side in the first place. Those horny hoes perked right up, and I knew they were totally visible, but pulling my blanket up to cover my chest would only make it more obvious.

Fuck it. I had nipples, and there were four hot guys in my room. Sue me.

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