Page 78 of Deception

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“You know, mummy has always been on my list, actually. It’s right under Frankenstein and just above cuttlefish.”

“Are you referring to Frankenstein’s monster?” Remy rolled his eyes, but there was an ease I had never seen in him around any of the other guys before. He was getting used to them, and it warmed my heart. I would love for them to all be able to be around one another without discomfort or rivalry. I was sure that would never really happen, but I would take the closest approximation I could get.

“No, I meant what I said. I’d like to be Frankenstein. Cool white lab coat, crazy hair, the whole ‘it’s alive’ thing. I think I could really pull it off.”

I laughed at Sam’s foolishness, but it turned into a yawn. “Sorry, very, very long night, and an even longer walk back with no shoes. I need some sleep that doesn’t take place in a cave.”

“Don’t think for a second we’re not going to discuss the cave and the portal after you’ve had some rest. I don’t like the idea of something like that so close by.” Darrio placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle push to slide down deeper into the bed.

“It’s not exactly close, it took us over an hour to walk back here. So you don’t have to worry about me wandering over there by accident.”

“So you say, yet stranger things have happened. But that’s a discussion for later. Right now, get some sleep.” He reached over and grabbed my bonnet, passing it to me so I could slip it on over my damp curls. My heart melted for him a little more. “I’ll be here when you wake up. When you do, we can start getting your things together to move into my room.”

“I’m not moving into your room, Corndog.”

“It wouldn’t be the worst thing to have you closer, Puff. That way, we could keep an eye on you, and we wouldn’t have to worry about Illyria doing something suicidal, like sneaking into your room in the middle of the night.”

“She wouldn’t dare. Not with me and River in here. She couldn’t take us both.”

“If she is going to move into anyone’s room, it ought to be mine. I actually have empty space available for her. And should anyone have anything to say about it, thanks to Sam and Varon, we should have no trouble convincing them she’s right where she’s supposed to be.” Remy had a point, but at this point, all I wanted was silence from all of them.

“If I agree to use your spare bed as a vacation space, will you all shut up so that I can go to sleep?” I yawned again, and though it wasn’t on purpose, it was a perfect punctuation.

I waited for everyone but Darrio to rise and head out, but instead, Remy simply laid his head on his folded arms and closed his eyes. Varon leaned his back against the wall on the side of my bed, long legs stretched out. Sam and Darrio settled in on either side of me, planting a kiss on my cheek and forehead, respectively.

Looked like none of them were going anywhere, and I was too tired to argue.

“None of you better wake me if River is pissed you’re all in here. Keep it down when she lights your asses on fire.”

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