Page 75 of Deception

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Idon’t know what I expected when we walked into my suite.

It damn sure hadn’t been Darrio waiting for me in the doorway of my bedroom, ready to launch himself at Remy the second we stepped over the threshold.

But of course, that is exactly what happened.

To make things even more entertaining, Sam came flying out of my room to join Remy and Darrio in the brawl. I stood there stunned for a second, unsure of how to react to what I was seeing.

After the night I’d had, it took me a long moment to realize Darrio and Sam believed that my current state of dress and general dishevelment was Remy’s doing.

“Knock it off, all of you! I’m fine!” I considered reaching in to try to grab hold of one of them to yank them out of the dog pile, but I wasn’t that stupid. That was asking for an accidental elbow to the eye, and I had my fair share of marks that I’d be wearing for the next several weeks. No need to add a giant shiner to that as well.

Of course, they didn’t hear me. I sighed in exasperation as another voice came from over my shoulder.

“Did you really think they were going to listen to you? They can’t hear anything right now with all that testosterone running through their ears.”

I turned to find Varon standing in the spot Darrio had vacated in his effort to pummel Remy to death.

“Can you do something, please?”

“What is it you’d like me to do, Killer?”

I held back my instinctual huff and eye roll because I knew it wasn’t going to get me anywhere with him. If anything, it would make him less willing to help. “Will you please stop them?”

“I suppose since you asked so nicely, I don’t really have a choice unless I want to be an asshole.”

He quirked a brow at me, and I knew he was baiting me. Since “Asshole” was my favorite nickname for him, he expected me to jump on the chance to make a smart remark.

And good gods, was it tempting.

Instead, I tipped my head at the pile of men on the floor and crossed my arms over my chest. With a resigned sigh, he righted himself and strode over. Varon grabbed his best friend by the shoulder and practically flung him across the room. Next, he grabbed Darrio by the shirt collar and Remy by the arm before wrenching the two of them apart.

“Enough, you fucking animals. Killer is trying to talk to you.”

Rather than respond, I walked over to Darrio and stood in front of him, blocking his path to Remy.

“Corndog, listen to me.” He clearly wasn’t. His gaze was focused on Remy with “intent to kill” written all over it. I reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. “Hey, will you please look at me?”

I don’t know if it was the soothing tone or my hand on his face, but either way, he finally looked down at me. The fire blazing in his eyes didn’t dim in the slightest. If anything, it burned hotter as he took in my battered appearance.

“He didn’t do this to me. He saved me.”

“Saved you from what?” Darrio’s voice was tight and livid, but he was no longer looking for a way past me to get to Remy.

“Someone tried to hurt me in the woods behind the school last night. I was trapped, but he showed up and stopped them. If he hadn’t, I don’t know what would have happened.”

“Who is someone?”

“I’m not going to tell you that right now.”

“Gods dammit, Red, tell me!”

“I will, when you’re calm. If I tell you right now, you’ll obviously fly off the handle and kill them before I get the chance. And that’s not fair, now is it?” I turned to face Sam where he stood next to the couch, eyeing Remy warily as he swiped a thumb over his split lip. “You okay?”

“I’m fine, Puff.” He never so much as looked my way, as though expecting Remy to attack me at any moment.

They needed to get over their distrust of him, and hopefully they would once I told them the details of the night before. But that was going to have to wait. First, I had more important priorities.

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