Page 71 of Deception

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“Well? Explain.” The faint light in the cave was enough that I spotted a rock that looked suitable for sitting without penetrating. I’d had enough of that for the time being, thanks.

“I didn’t mean her, Thea, I meant you. Saying you want to kill someone… that’s big.”

“People say that all the time.”

“Other people don’t have uncontrollable death magic coursing through their bodies.”

Fair. Super fair, actually. “Wait, I thought it wasn’t magic. That our abilities were, I don’t know, derived from our elements or whatever.”

“It’s true that I’m made stronger by death, as are you. Your boyfriend will be more powerful from having sex, or from enticing others to do so.”

I flushed at the mention of Darrio. I wondered if there was any way he’d know what just happened between me and Remy. Actually, the thought of him spontaneously orgasming satisfied me quite a lot, considering he’d done the same to me shortly after we met.

“Okay, so what’s your point?”

“My point is we don’t know how to explain it. There’s no science to clarify how the energy transfers from actions, inanimate objects, natural phenomena, even just ideas, and into us, giving us supernatural abilities. And that which science cannot explain is often simply called magic. It seems like a much better term than ‘aptitudes’ to me.”

His argument made sense, and I had to admit he’d presented it well. Just like he did when he trained me. I wondered if he’d ever considered becoming a teacher, since he certainly had an… aptitude for it.

Damn, that was good.

“What’s so funny?”

“Huh? Nothing, I was just thinking about what you said. But wait, so does that mean real magic, like the things we see in movies and read in books, isn’t real?”

“No, it’s very real. Very few can actually practice it, and most of them are worshippers of Hecate, the Goddess of Magic.”

“Like from mythology?”

“You mean like all of our bloodlines?”

“Well, yeah, but I mean, the gods we know of are just the ones referenced in human texts, right? So who’s to say which are real and which aren’t?”

“You’ll get more information on all of that in second year classes. More than you ever wanted to know, honestly. But yes, Hecate is real, and she can practice actual magic. Some of the things she’s done are particularly heinous, including making some backdoor deals with Hera that would shock you.”

I wanted to ask about that, but banished the thought and focused on the current situation. “Can any god do magic?”

“Not without help and often, the blessing of Hecate.” He was on his feet, pacing back and forth in front of me, barely illuminated. It reminded me of how he’d first appeared in my dreams after I’d seen him in that hallway. Nothing more than a shadow.

A sexy as fuck shadow.

Being a goddess was weird.

Speaking of casting shadows…

“What is this place? And where’s that light coming from?”

He stopped mid-pace and tension wafted off him. Something about the sudden shift raised my hackles, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself.

“Remy?” I tried again when he didn’t answer. When he did, I understood his hesitation.

“It’s the portal I mentioned. The entrance is at the back of this cave.”

At that, I was on my feet and already on the move to get a better look at it when he jumped in front of me and grabbed my arms.


I stiffened and my blood began to heat all over again.

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