Page 70 of Deception

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Lifting only as much as was absolutely necessary, I notched his shaft at my entrance, then put both of my hands on his shoulders so I could lower myself into heaven. It was really the only description of the sensation as Remy filled me. I never would have believed something could feel so fucking amazing, and yet, here I was, leaning forward to rest my forehead on his as I rose several inches, then dropped back down. I gasped at the fullness, then again as he clenched his fingers on my ass cheeks. The move spread me further apart, which somehow made me feel even fuller.

I rocked my hips again, and Remy’s panting breaths on my lips fueled my fire. The feel of him was so much, it honestly didn’t make sense. It was like his skin was heated by flames I couldn’t see, and it burned everywhere he touched. But then I realized my own skin was just as hot. Was this because of our power? The similarities deep within us calling to each other?

Who knew? What I did know was I loved every fucking second of it.

Impatient with my slow rises and falls, Remy moved his hand back to my hip and began to fuck me in earnest. He worked beneath me, thrusting up hard as he brought me crashing down against him.

“Remy, fuck!”

“That’s what I’m doing, Fury.” His panted comeback made me grin, even as my eyes started to roll back. Each rise and fall dragged my nipples over his chest, and he kicked it up a notch when he dipped his head and caught one in his mouth.

When I expected suction, I got a bite. I yelped in surprise, but not in pain. It was a sharp sensation that only lasted a second, but it sent shock waves of pleasure coursing through my body, all culminating in the beginnings of an orgasm that was going to rock my fucking world.

I bounced harder, taking more control of my ride on this bucking bronco, and I went full rodeo girl when I cupped my breasts.

Look, ma, no hands!

I offered my breasts to him and he took the other nipple into his mouth and gave it the same sharp nip. When I whimpered, he did it again.

Climbing higher and higher, the edge of that cliff was visible, and I wanted it. I wanted to fucking dive off of it head first, no parachute.

“Gods dammit, Fury. Fuck! Wanted this so fucking long, so good.” Remy’s stream of words beneath me spurred me on, and I shifted so each stroke was hitting my g-spot.

The first hard thrust against it made me see stars, and I knew it would only take a few more hits to get to the center of my tootsie pop.

“Close, Remy, so—uhnn, so—mmm, so close!”

He captured my lips in a scalding kiss as he somehow managed to thrust harder. I felt him in places I didn’t think a dick could ever reach. Like my pancreas. I think he may have literally fucked me in the pancreas. Or was that my gallbladder? Either way, it was pregnant.

“Come for me, Fury. Come all over my cock, give it to me.” His demand for my pleasure was what did it. It would have happened either way, but when he issued his sharp command, my body happily obeyed.

My body jerked and shook apart as pleasure exploded from me. No, I mean it exploded. A burst of energy shot from my body in all directions, tearing through me like an orgasm grenade had been tossed into my pussy and detonated.

Remy growled beneath me as I rode it out, and I felt him thicken and pulse inside me as he reached his own climax. He thrust once more, then stilled as he groaned, his cock twitching and throbbing so strongly it made my sensitive walls tingle with tiny aftershocks of pleasure.

When we were both finally spent, I collapsed against him, my face buried in his neck and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

“Better than the romance you had planned?” I asked, smirking to myself, since he couldn’t see.

“Equally romantic.” I could hear his answering grin. He nuzzled the top of my head and I sighed in contentment.

But as the buzz of my orgasm began to fade, I realized the constrained energy in my body was… less. I no longer felt like a million micro-tornadoes were spinning just beneath my dermis, it was more of the steady hum of a breezy day.

I was good with breezy.

The comfort I found resting against Remy’s chest was compounded by his warmth and the rhythmic beating of his heart in time with mine, and happiness nearly took over. But the more I came back down to earth, my anger fought its way back to the forefront of my mind.

That fucking BITCH!

“Hey, is something wrong?” Remy pushed me away enough to reach under my chin and tip it up. “You just tensed up, and your breathing is rapid and shallow.”

“I can’t believe she took it that far. I know we have our issues, and I was planning to get her back for her bullshit at the earliest opportunity, but… I don’t know how to explain it. I wanted to kill her, Remy. For what she did to me, she deserved to die.”

“That’s pretty serious to say, especially coming from you.”

“That she deserved it?” Incredulity was not the word. Flabbergasted? Mind-boggled? Those ridiculous terms suddenly made a whole lot of sense.

“No, Fury, calm down for a second and let me clarify.” He lifted me off of him, and we handled the business of righting ourselves after our sexcapade. It was embarrassingly messy thanks to limited supplies. I did my best to hide my discomfort as I buttoned the shirt he’d given me and pretended I was fully clothed instead of 84% naked.

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