Page 72 of Deception

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“I’m sorry, would you like to try again?” He might be concerned for my well-being, and there could be dangers I had no understanding of, but like hell was he about to simply tell me “no” and expect me to behave.

A dog, I was not.

“You don’t understand, Thea, that portal is impossibly dangerous. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you because I stood by and did nothing.”

“And I appreciate that. But next time, I suggest you say that instead of barking a command at me.”

“I’m sorry. It was instinct to try to stop you.”

“I don’t get it, how can it be so dangerous that I can’t even look at it? Is it going to suck me in or something?”

“No, it doesn’t work like that, but it’s… alluring. You’ll want to touch it even knowing it could hurt you.”

“Then how does anyone cross it? Hell, why does it even exist?”

“For the same reasons volcanoes do, I suppose. They’re dangerous enough to wipe out entire populations, and yet, they simply are. That doesn’t mean anyone should go looking at a live one up close and personal if they value their safety.” He ran his hands up and down my arms. “As I value yours.”

Alright, yeah, that was sweet and turned me a little mushy inside, but I was going to see that portal. It was the first connection I’d had to something godly that didn’t come directly from Divinity.

“I need to see it, Remy. I can’t explain it exactly, it’s just a necessity. To experience it, something that’s linked to a part of me I don’t understand yet. You said us being death gods is why we even know it’s here, right? So I’m sure we can approach it and live to tell the tale.” I thought for a moment. “Have you tried to cross before?”

“Never. I almost did, but I was pulled back at the last second.”

“By who?”

“A former student. The God of Vengeful Death.” Okay, that was definitely one scary ass title. He was probably out there stirring up all kinds of trouble. “He yanked me away, but only so he could get through first.”

Or not.

“What happened?”

“He crossed and never returned. Word came from the Underworld that he’d been captured and killed for trespassing.”

“That just doesn’t seem right. They lure us over, then kill us for succumbing to it?”

“Nothing about the gods is right, or fair, or just. The sooner you know that, the better. I told you, they don’t even consider us among their number. Gregory was a pathetic waste of godly power to them, power they don’t like having to share with us peons.”

I might be burning with curiosity over who my parents might be, but the more I wondered, the more I figured I should probably never meet them. Not if they didn’t even view me as worthy of existing.

I was still gonna see that damn portal, though.

“What if you stay away and just come get me if something goes wrong? I don’t want to touch it, or even get close. I only want to see it, Remy.” Something was calling to me from that portal, and if I didn’t see it, it was going to continue to gnaw at me until I flung myself into it to make it stop.

“Do you feel the energy inside you? How volatile it is?”

I’d been looking over his shoulder down the path to the portal, but at that, my gaze snapped back to his face.

“How do you know?”

“You keep forgetting I can feel you, Fury. We’re linked in that way, so I can sense when your power surges and recedes. I felt it when I found you, and I felt after we were together. The difference was staggering. You were able to expend that energy into me without killing me because I’m filled with more of the same. You’d have killed Darrio or Sam.”

My heart seized upon hearing those words. I could kill them from having sex with them if I was too wound up? That was horrifying!

And how would I know when I reached the limit? Was there a “murder energy” thermometer that I should order off the internet? How else could I ever risk—

“Relax. Your magic was stronger than I’ve ever felt it tonight, and it built to critical mass like that because you were unable to release it. You don’t have enough control to hold back like that under normal circumstances. Illyria would be dead right now if not for whatever magic she knew.”

“But how will I know how much can harm them?”

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