Page 69 of Deception

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“That doesn’t make any sense, we are their children. Why would they hurt us for trying to be among them?”

“We may be their descendants, but we are so far removed, so many generations beneath them, we are barely considered gods. The only reason we are taught to use our abilities at Divinity is because it’s too dangerous to leave us untrained in the mortal world.”

“I don’t understand their logic.”

“Nothing they do makes sense. Trust me, Fury.”

He was right. I had seen firsthand how things were handled at Divinity. What amounted to imprisonment, being cut off from the people we’d known as family, and the pressure to pass inspection when they decided to see just how powerful we were. That was definitely not how loving parents treated their children.

Rather than dwell on how unfair and uncaring our birth parents were, I focused on what really mattered in that moment.

“Thank you, Remy. If you hadn’t shown up, I don’t know what she would’ve done to me. Thank you for following the pull.”

“How could you ever doubt I would? I would never ignore that connection, especially not when I know you might be in danger.”

“Even after I was such a bitch to you?”

“Your anger was justified, and I don’t blame you for how furious you were with me. In the end, it was for the best.”

“How so?”

“Because now I am a smarter man. I know what you will and won’t put up with, and I won’t risk being shut out by you again. It has been miserable seeing you with the sex god, the liar, and even Mr. Holier-than-Thou. Knowing you wanted nothing to do with me was like a knife to the heart.”

“I probably stayed angry a little longer than was absolutely necessary, but that was born of wounded pride.”

I shifted my position in his lap until I was straddling him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Leaning forward, I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. It was one of gratitude.

Of forgiveness.

That was all I intended, but Remy didn’t seem to be on board with that plan.

“Too long.” He growled the words before his lips crashed back onto mine. “Too fucking long without the taste of you on my tongue.”

My body vibrated from the feel of his lips against my own, from the taste of his tongue as he swiped it into my mouth. There was something about him that was so different from the others, a unique quality that made me yearn to be completely devoured by him. I was literally playing with death, and I fucking loved it.

His hands went to my hips as he explored my mouth like a conqueror searching for new territories to claim. Back and forth, he rocked them. The shirt he had loaned me fell open from the movement, the single button he had closed not standing a chance in the face of our passion.

The constant push and pull against my hips ground me against his erection. It still felt like my skin was too full, about to split from the trapped energy at any second. Instead of letting it stop me or make me push him away, I took control of the movement and writhed on his lap. My breasts scraped across his bare chest, shooting sparks from my nipples directly to my clit.

When a moan escaped me, Remy pulled back, fire blazing in his molten eyes.

“We have to stop, Fury. You’ve been through too much, you don’t want—”

I pressed a finger against his lips. “Don’t tell me what I want. I know better than you do, trust me, and I want this. I want you. I have for so long, and I don’t care about what happened last night. I care about what happens now.”

Was it the hormones talking? Probably. Did I give a shit? The slow roll of my hips that dragged my clit up the iron bar of his shaft said, “hell no.”

“I respect that, Thea, I swear. I just… I had plans. There was going to be wooing and candlelight, all the romance you deserve.”

“And now it’s going to be in a dark cave where you give me what I need. Equally romantic, believe me.” Not wanting to give him a chance to argue, I kissed him hard, delving in deep to stroke his tongue with my own. His fingers clenched my hips before one hand slid over the cheek of my ass and below the hem of the shirt I wore. When his hot hand made contact with my skin, I moaned again, and he swallowed the noise with a groan of his own.

In a way, I felt bad. I knew how he’d wanted to make some special night of this, but in truth, I wouldn’t change a second.

I slipped a hand down between us and fiddled with his buckle, but apparently I wasn’t dextrous enough to get it undone from my position.

Remy to the rescue, he had his pants open and his cock out in seconds. It was so dim, I couldn’t get a good look at it, but I could feel it and damn. Seriously, was it a prerequisite of godhood that all males had to have amazing dicks? Because for real, we’re talking chef kisses. Just, muah, perfection!

I gripped the heavy, veined shaft in my hand, and while I wanted to savor it, to taste it and stroke it, my pussy was not a fan of that plan at all. I was wetter than hell, and I wasn’t referring to the fact my hair was still damp and the shirt I wore was also still clinging to my skin.

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