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Chapter Thirty

‘Okay, Mum, we’re off.’ I picked up Leo and walked towards the door. ‘Thanks so much again for everything.’

‘My pleasure, darling. You know your dad and I love spending time with our gorgeous grandson.’

‘Yeah, Dad said the same before he left for the dentist earlier.’

‘Poor thing is in agony with his tooth.’

‘I know. He was going to cancel his appointment so he could be here to see us off, but I said no way. He needs to get it sorted.’

‘Exactly. Are you sure you can’t stay longer?’

‘We should get back. We’ve been here ten days already and we really miss Lorenzo.’

‘Yes, of course. Will you come again soon?’

‘I’ll let you know. You could always come over and see us, though?’ I raised my eyebrow.

‘Oh, darling. You know I’m not very good with planes. We’ll see. Now,’ she said, changing the subject, ‘you’ve got the list of all the meals Leo’s been enjoying, haven’t you? He loves the potato and broccoli in particular.’

Mum had been a superstar. Making fresh homemade dishes for lunch and dinner to get him started on solids.

‘Yep. Got them. Thanks.’

‘And remember to buy some more formula as the tin has almost finished.’

‘Will do.’ I glanced down at my phone. ‘We’d better run—the Uber’s outside.’

Mum gave us both a big hug and we were on our way.

I couldn’twaitto get back to Italy. Not so much to Chiorno, but to see Lorenzo. It felt like ten weeks rather than ten days since I’d last seen him. Whilst it was great to be able to video call, it wasn’t the same. I missed being in his arms. His smile. His body…

Yes. I could safely say that this trip had helped to relight my fire—down there. I was definitely feeling desire again. Since that evening where I first tried out Roxy’s ‘gift’, I’d been making time for self-care every night. Straight after speaking to Lorenzo. Seeing him sat up in bed with his top off, his bronzed, sculpted chest in full view, was enough to get me going. As soon as I’d put the phone down, I’d reach for the toy and would come in seconds.

I had also taken time to explore my body. It wasn’t that different to how it was before. I’d been worrying unnecessarily. After a couple of nights, I managed to hunt down my old vibrator and started practising with penetration. It was really painful at first, but through some experimentation, I started to get used to having an alien object in my body again and the pain had become a lot more bearable. Naturally, the real thing would be different, but I was more prepared than I had been the first time we tried. And lube definitely helped. I’d been to the chemist and bought several tubes. Meant I’d need to put my case in the hold, though, as that would exceed my hand luggage liquids allowance. Would also avoid the embarrassment of the airport scanner people seeing it and raising their eyebrows…

So, yes. I was definitelyready to rumble. I’d even exfoliated my body and pruned the lady garden this morning, so everything was looking extra tidy downstairs. I was a woman on a mission. As soon as I put Leo to bed tonight, I intended to jump Lorenzo. We had alotof time to make up for.

‘Welcome home!’ Lorenzo opened the door and wheeled in my suitcase.

‘Awww, you didn’t have to do all of this!’ There was aBenvenuta a Casabanner that Lorenzo had made himself hanging on the living room wall, which thanks to my growing Italian repertoire I knew meantwelcome home, and a big bouquet of flowers in a vase on the coffee table.

‘I wanted to. I have missed you so much.’ He leant forward and gave me a long kiss.

Yep. Desire was definitely back in the house...

‘I have made your favourite mushroom risotto and Florentine orange cake for dessert.’

I looked down at Leo. He was still fast asleep in the car seat. All the travelling had tired him out. He seemed comfortable. Like he could probably sleep through a rock concert. I moved him over to the rug. I reckoned we had some time…

‘Thanks! I was thinking, how about we eatlater…?’ I wrapped my hands around Lorenzo’s waist. ‘Leo is sleeping and I haven’t seen you for ten whole days, so maybe there’s something else we can try first…’ I glanced over at the bedroom and winked.

Lorenzo’s eyes widened. ‘Sure?’


Lorenzo licked his lips, scooped me up in his muscular arms and carried me to the room. I inhaled his woody, masculine scent. God, he always smelt so good. He laid me down gently on the bed.

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