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Lorenzo came from the bathroom grinning like a Cheshire cat.

‘I know you miss your friends, so…’ He shrugged his shoulders.

‘I can’t believe it!’

I pulled him into our huddle and gave him a big squeeze.

‘We aresohappy to see you!’ said Bella.

‘Me too! I have missed you guys so much.’

Both of them looked well. As always, Roxy was the glamour puss with her long fiery red hair, matching bold pillar-box lipstick, a mini skirt and knee-high boots.

At five-eleven, Bella towered over Roxy. She was wearing skinny jeans and a patterned green top with her brown curly hair tumbling past her shoulders. She looked naturally beautiful, with just a flick of black eyeliner, mascara and a slick of clear lip gloss.

‘By the sounds of it, you’ve been having a bit of a crappy time, so we thought an FTA session was in order. Aninternational FTA session!’

Lorenzo must have told them I was feeling down… I hadn’t wanted to worry them, but boy was I glad they were here and that I’d finally be able to talk to them properly.

‘Yes! I could really do with some food, therapy and alcohol. Does that sound bad seeing as it’s only eleven-thirty?’

‘Hell no! By the time we get to the restaurant, it’ll almost be midday. And anyway, it’s been ages, so even if it was eight in the morning it’d be fine.’

‘I like your thinking!’ I turned to Lorenzo. ‘So I’m guessing these ladies were yourimportant call?’

‘You guess right.’ He smirked. ‘And that means is time for me to go.’

‘You don’t have to leave! We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, but I reckon we’ll be back by, I dunno, maybe four or five this afternoon?’

‘Not likely! More like five a.m. tomorrow!’ cackled Roxy. ‘We’re under strict instructions to show you a good time, so that’sexactlywhat we’re going to do.’

‘Yeah. We didn’t fly all the way to Italy to just spend a few hours with you,’ said Bella. ‘Our flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow afternoon, so we’re going to make the most of it.’

‘Cool! Okay! Thanks, darling!’ I kissed Lorenzo on the lips.

‘Prego. I will drive back soon and go to work. Tomorrow Flavio will come round for lunch, but let me know what time you want to leave and I will come and take you home.’

I was glad Lorenzo would be having time out too. Even though we were a couple, it was important to do things that we enjoyed as individuals, and I knew that as well as working on new recipes, he also liked watching football and having a beer with the boys. Flavio was one of the few childhood friends Lorenzo had left in the town. The rest had gone to live in bigger cities in Italy or around the world.

‘Are you sure?’ I said. ‘I can find my own way back home.’

I was lucky enough to be spending time with my friends, so I didn’t want Lorenzo to cut his time short with Flavio just to come and pick me up.

‘Of course! You had better go. The table has been booked for twelve-fifteen for lunch. Bella and Roxy have the details. Enjoy. Mamma and me will take good care of Leo, so do not worry.Ti amo.’

‘I love you too. And thank you so much again!’ I grabbed my phone and handbag, then gave him a long hug. It was so lovely for him to arrange all of this for me.

‘Come on, Soph.’ Roxy gently pulled me away from Lorenzo. ‘Now’s not the time for PDA. You’ll see him again in twenty-four hours. And I’m sure you’ll have time to stop off and get up to no good in the car on the way home!’ She cackled again.

‘Roxy!’ said Bella.

‘Nothing wrong with a bit of bump and grind on the back seat!Ciao, Lorenzo!’ Roxy linked arms with me and Bella as we left the hotel room and shut the door behind us. ‘So, young lady, how was yesterday? How are thingsreallygoing with Lorenzo, Leo, the business and of course with getting backdown to businessin the bedroom? We’ve got so much to catch up on. And no holding back this time. I want to hear abouteverything!’

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