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Just watch me.

I also had to play nice with Marta because as much as I hated to admit it, I needed her. If I was going to do these language lessons and try and rebuild my sex life, we’d need someone to look after Leo that we could trust. And whatever I thought of her, I knew Marta adored her grandson, so with her, he’d be in safe hands. She’d just better not mess with his routine, or there’d be trouble…

7) Get the Business Back Under Control

Ever since that phone call with Viktor yesterday, I’d been annoyed, not just at Robyn, but also at myself for not keeping on top of things. I’d dropped the ball. I should have known about that meeting getting cancelled, so clearly I needed to do more. Be more involved. If I’d implemented more regular updates, kept a closer eye on things and was more in control, it wouldn’t have happened.

I refused to believe what Mum and other people said. Selling up wasn’t the answer. I’d considered it before. I’d even thought about alternative careers, but nothing grabbed me. Then I decided that with Robyn running things, I didn’t have to. I could still be a business owner, earn an income so I wasn’t relying on Lorenzo’s salary (I’d always been financially independent and that wasexactlyhow I wanted to stay) and keep my hand in the game.

The company had been part of my identity since I was twenty-five. I’d built it from scratch, so I wasn’t going to give it up or let things go down the toilet just because I’d had a child. Millions of women held down careers and had kids—some did it with two, three or more. I only had one, so itcouldbe done if I organised my working day better and managed the team more closely.

I’d start by returning Robyn’s call this afternoon to get to the bottom of what had happened (she’d tried phoning this morning, but with Leo being ill, I couldn’t answer), then I’d create a plan to get things back on track.

8) Enjoy My Life in Italy

And like I’d included on my MAP list, I needed to find a way to embrace my new life. With all of the frustrations that came with the move like missing my friends and family and the language barrier, it was easy to lose sight of what Ididhave. Lorenzo was amazing. I’d never been more in love. And Leo was the miracle baby I’d thought I’d never have. Yes, this town wasn’t London. Yes, life here wasn’t what I’d expected and the people might not have welcomed me with open arms, but the scenery was beautiful. The lush rolling hills and vineyards were straight from aVisit Tuscanybrochure. I was living in bloody Italy! So many people wouldloveto trade places with me. I had a lot to be thankful for.

I had all the right ingredients for an idyllic life. I could be living the dream. I could prove the doubters wrong and make my life here a huge success, if I tried a little harder. Stepped out of my comfort zone.Again. It wouldn’t be easy, but I was sure it’d be worthwhile. After all, when I’d taken control of my life and created my MAP plan before, it had helped me find happiness and gave me Lorenzo and Leo. What could creating a list bring this time?



I put down my pen, read over the points again and instantly felt more positive. I finally had a plan. Direction. Goals. And just like before, I was determined to do whatever it took to achieve each and every one of them.

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