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Watching as the rest of the passengers slowly exited, I felt like I might be okay to move. Even more so, I was feeling eager to be off the plane and into my chair. I didn’t want to have a full on panic attack, so I asked Taylor, “Should we head out? I think Jade and Lila have had enough of a head start to be along any minute. Don’t you think so?”

“Do you really want to hear my thoughts?” Taylor chuckled.

“You think putting Jade in charge was a bad idea?”

“I think so,” she cringed.

“We better get going before they do damage. Give me a boost?”

“Take my arm,” Taylor suggested, assisting me to my feet.

“Thank you,” I smiled, leaning on her for support.

Following the very last two passengers, I felt nervous and unsteady on my feet.

“Are you doing okay?”

Not wanting her to worry, I nodded. “I think so.”

“I’ve got it,” Jade yelled, flying around the corner at a high speed. “I seriously don’t know how you control this thing,” she said, bursting with laughter as she pulled up beside me. “But you better take this before I hurt someone,” she said, nearly falling on her ass.

Moving another step, my legs weren’t having it and nearly gave out on me completely. “Whoa.” I cried, doing my best to hold myself up.

“Steph,” Taylor cried, struggling to hold me up.

“Let me help,” someone said, jumping into action.

Feeling the noticeable shift of strength, something felt familiar about the gentleman who rushed in to assist. “It’s okay, Steph, I got you,” he said, and we all froze.

My eyes drew towards him as the sound of his voice conjured up a memory of… “Logan?”

“I’ve got you,” he chuckled, and I felt it vibrate in my chest.

Working together like we hadn’t missed a step these past nine years, the transition back into my chair went smoothly as I applied just the right amount of pressure to shift my weight.

Taking a moment to appreciate the way Logan had aged, he was the definition of a guy who was well-put-together, from his perfectly groomed chocolate brown hair, which seems lighter than it once was, his boyish-good-looks have transformed into this kind, strikingly handsome man -sexier thanks to the little scruff he wore around the edges.

Straightening up, I noticed his taste in clothes had changed. Instead of brand name tees, he wore a sleek button-up shirt, dress pants, and a tie?Who knew hockey players dressed so nicely?

“You okay, Steph?” He asked, searching my eyes.

Realizing that I was practically drooling at the sight of him in front of everyone, I cleared my throat in order to give my brain some time to catch up with itself.

“I’m fine, thank you. I didn’t realize how quickly jet-lag would zap my energy. I just need a minute.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, whatbrings you to LA?” His raspy adult voice made me swoon like the old days.

“My friends and I are going on a cruise. Ocean Tides cruise line is hosting their first author signing, and they have invited us to attend.”

“You, on a cruise?” His brow rose in question. “Don’t you have terrible motion sickness?”

Thrown that he remembered such a silly piece of information, I shrugged. “I’m hoping I’ve grown out of it.”

Shaking his head with amusement, I’m sure he knew how awkward this was since we haven’t spoken to each other in years. “I don’t think that’s how it works,” his voice rumbled.

“I did well on the plane. No air sickness.”

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