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“Glad to hear it.”

Snickering at my side, I had completely forgotten the girls were standing beside me. Amused by our awkward display, I didn’t care what anyone had to say, not when it came to Logan.

“What brings you out this way?” I asked, turning the conversation around.

His lips turned up, just at one side. “I’m also here for the cruise,” he said matter-of-factly.

FeelingLogan’s eyes skim over me, I peered up at him. Finding them honed in on my lips, I tucked the bottom one into my mouth as he graced me with a smirk. Pressing them together, I could have sworn everyone around us disappeared at that moment.

“That’s right, you have a tell-all book coming out in the Fall.”

“You know about that?”

“I may have heard something about it.”

His eyes lit up. “So, you’re an author?”

“I am. In fact, I’m working on my twentieth book.” I say with pride.

“What do you write?”

“Sports romance, mostly.” I feel my face turn a deep shade of red as he stares at me with his head cocked to the side.

“As much as I’m enjoying this display,” Jade interrupts. “We really should get going if we are going to catch up with Lila and make an early boarding.”

Reaching for the tension in his neck, Logan nods and backs away. “Right,” he chuckles, breaking the lure that drew us in.

Shaking away the brain fog, something tugs at my heartstrings the further away we got. Struggling to regain my bearings, it felt like the day he left all over again.

“Hey wait,” he calls out. “I should probably get your number.”

Shell-shocked with emotion, I had too many feelings and thoughts dancing around inside my head that I immediately caved out of fear of losing him again. “Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in,” I said, throwing out my hand.

Witnessing the girls’ heads snap in our direction. It took all I had not to laugh at their display. Retrieving his phone from his back pocket, Logan either didn’t notice their reaction or ignored them.

Swiping his screen to unlock it, my hand shook as he slipped it into my palm. Typing my number into his contacts, brief flickers of our past came flooding back with each digit I added.

The way he’d walk me to class, hold doors, or come looking for me whenever he felt lost or needed someone to talk to. I was that someone.

Flushed with emotion, my cheeks stung from the permanent smile I kept plastered on my face. As my heart raced with remembrance, my chest fluttered at the way it felt being close to him again… but with that remembrance, I had to pause for my heart’s sake.

Before I met Logan, I could sit back in the shadows, completely invisible to the surrounding eyes. To most, I was the shy girl in the wheelchair. To Tess and her friends, I was an easy target and the mean girls never missed a chance to get a shot in.

The day I met Logan, Tess had made a point of purposely bumping into me. Knocking my books to the floor, she feigned her apologies and just kept walking without a care in the world. Stepping out of a crowd, Logan crouched down before me. Carefully reaching around me, not only did Logan retrieve each and every one, he took the time to wipe off the dirt they picked up.

Leaving behind a noticeable amount of dust on his expensive jeans, Logan didn’t seem to mind as he extended them back to me. Watching the way he stared back at me, I should have felt uncomfortable, not in a creepy way, but more like someone standing on display for everyone to see. When our eyes met, a beautiful, yet heartbreaking smile crossed his face.

Breaking the silence, he said his name, as a dimple appeared on his left cheek, followed by the right. That’s all it took for my stupid heart to dance in my chest.

Understanding this kind of excitement was the last thing I needed, the spark of hope ignited inside of me involuntarily. Knowing that with someone like Logan -the star athlete of our high school hockey team, I’d be the last person he’d have eyes for. Yet, I felt self-conscious from the way he was looking at me and I wished I could go back to being that invisible girl from before… but I lost all thoughts when he tipped my chin up to look at him. Doing so, he continued to look at me in a way that told me I was far from invisible to him now. Whether that was a good or bad thing, I did not know.

Drawing back to the present, a picture of the Knights’ arena as his background screen reminds me of what came between us.


I texted myself from his phone before offering it back. “Don’t forget to keep in touch this time,” I said, extending his phone before I had the good sense to change my mind.

The temperature around us instantly cooled as a moment of silence hung in the air. “No chance of that happening,” he replied.

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