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She shook her head, trying to pull her hand back. “Itook aphoto of you in one of your oil painting classes. Ihope you don’tmind.”

Iheld her firmly in place, not wanting to lose her warmth. “I’mhumbled, not bothered.” More warmth spread from my chest to my abdomen. Iwas humbled and much more. “How long have you been planning this?”

“Um…well…not planning.” She scratched the top of her head, while she fumbled to talk around her fluster. “Ijust liked how you looked. Ilike your teaching face. Ugh, that’sso embarrassing.”

She pulled her hand away with more force and covered her eyes, drawing in abreath to settle herself.

Too many things she did either turned me on or made me want to kiss her, both impulses which Iacted on after feeling like I’dbeen away from her for too long. Iplaced the picture gently on the floor, pulling her to my lap with her back against my chest. Inuzzled her neck and whispered, “You shouldn’tbe. Ireally like looking at you, too.”

At the reassuring words, she pushed her butt to me, craning her neck and grabbing my thighs. My nuzzles turned to open-mouthed kisses, from soft and nice to sexual and demanding. Iadored her and she was mine to worship.

My arm brushed all of the dolls Imade for her to the carpet. Nothing mattered except her, not even the hours’ worth of work. Icould breathe, eat, and drink Erin for as long as Ilived, maddened and consumed by her.

With the bed empty save our two wanting bodies, Isplayed my hands over her stomach, lifting her shirt, going under to her bare skin. Itraced circles on her belly button, moved higher to caress her breasts from the bottom, barely touching her, making her squirm. Her tongue slipped out to lick her full lips before she bit them, silencing her moans.

Ididn’twant them silenced. Iwanted to hear them, to be deafened by them.

And I’ddo anything to goad them from her. Imolded her left breast, flicking her nipple with my thumb while Idipped my right hand into her soaked panties. She gasped, louder this time, freeing her lips when Islid inside her warm entrance.

Then she forgot she ever tried to stay quiet when Itweaked and rubbed her now glistening clit.

Her writhing against my throbbing dick made me painfully hard, an ache she eased when she arched her back and reached to stroke it, matching my rhythm, hard and slow, just right.

Icupped her jaw, gently twisting her head to my lips, and tasted her. Her moans became mine as they pulsated in my mouth, vibrating down to my chest, and curling around my heart.

The beautiful, wild-haired Erin turned from me, stood on her knees, and stripped off her panties and shirt, her bare body mine to watch, kissed by the winter’slow lights, flushed from her need for me.

She took advantage of my stunned state and pulled down my boxers, my butt lifting up as her breasts caressed my chest. My hand reached for my erection, until Inoticed that Erin didn’tmove, and Ihalted. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” she breathed, then pried off my fingers, replacing them with hers. “Ican’thave you touching yourself, not when it’ll distract me from getting what Iwant.”

She rubbed me up and down while she talked and Igripped the pillows, hanging on to the last of my restraint. Fascinated and nearly losing my mind, Ieyed her as she went down, pushing me close to oblivion as she wrapped her mouth around the head of my shaft.

Erin’ssensual mouth took me in deeper, marking the path with her tongue, and held me in place as she massaged the inside of my thighs. She possessed me, making me more hers than Ialready was, my heart fully hers to do what she willed with it.

Our gazes locked and Iyearned to touch her, extending my arms to her hair. It was smooth, so smooth, and my lungs constricted with the enormity of the sensations.

“I’mclose,” Igritted out, not wanting to come in her mouth unless she wanted me to.

Erin gripped the base of my cock instead of stopping, stroking it with her saliva. Icame with aloud grunt, my hips jerking up, the knot in my stomach releasing as she swallowed the last drops. My heart slowed down its erratic beating, but Iwasn’tsatisfied, not even close.

My hands were still in her hair when Ilifted her slowly to my face. She wrapped her legs around me, giving me her lips with as much passion as she did when she went down on me.

Ibroke our kiss and breathed against her, “Sit on my face.”

Her nose scrunched, confusion written on her face. “But you came.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” It was my turn to be confused.

She talked with her eyes closed, “I’mnot used to…”

Icupped her cheek and she fluttered her eyes open, hesitation mingled with lust reflecting in them. “I’mgoing to take care of you.” Iemphasized each word, vowing to reassure her whenever she needed that she came first, to destroy every layer of insecurity that had been suffocating her.

“Ican’twait to have you come on my face,” Iwhispered in her ear, licking it slowly, wringing out shivers from her.

Her round, brown eyes shone with acceptance. Ishifted beneath her, lying down as Iheld her hips, and helped her climb on top of me. The tremors that already started had her leaning palms flat against the wall, her head hanging low with the quickened rise and fall of her chest.

And then Ipulled her down, tasting the sweetest flesh that existed. Iswiped my tongue inside her slit, her anxiety gone. She shivered and asoft cry left her lips, the loss of control from the slightest of touches making me hard again.

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