Page 8 of A Change Of Heart

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"I'm glad she had a good medical team.It can make all the difference."It was why he did what he did.

"Jessica became the center of my world.Coordinating doctor’s appointments, physical therapy, her medication.I was the one in the family with the most flexible schedule, so it fell to me to be her caregiver.I don’t regret it."

"You have a kind soul.And a wicked temper if I remember right."

"Only when deserved."Stephanie put both elbows on the counter, folded her hands, and leaned forward."You haven't even asked how she's doing."

"Trey and Chase called me from time to time.”Her brothers were both good guys hoping to be a bridge between Jason and Steph.“Mom also kept me abreast of the situation.How is Jessica now?"

"Pretty good, all things considered.She has a positive outlook about her future.”Stephanie straightened with a wry smile.“Guess what?She wants to be a nurse, or a PA.Depends how well she does, but it will be in the medical field."

"That's wonderful news."He looked directly into her eyes, hungry to touch her, knowing he couldn't.

"We’re just so grateful.She survived, others didn't."Her gaze dimmed."My sis will flourish.But I still hear her cries at night in my dreams.The memories..."

“They will fade in time, especially when you're busy making a name for yourself."

They were both silent, remembering that day that changed so many lives.

"I have a confession to make," Stephanie said without making eye contact.

"Go ahead," he told her, heart beating fast.

She took a deep breath then lunged in."Okay.On my following birthday, my nineteenth, the boys bought me a ticket to California to get away for a few days.I wanted it to be a surprise."

Jason would have known if she'd showed up."So, what happened?You didn't come.Was it Jessica?"

“No, my sister had nothing to do with this.”Stephanie bit her lip and glanced down at her hands.“I came and went."

"That doesn't make sense."

"I discovered the truth.The reason you'd stopped calling was because you'd met some hot new doctor."

His jaw clenched at the accusation.He couldn’t begin to imagine what she was talking about.“What doctor?”

Her tone was filled with righteous indignation and hurt."I used that ticket because..."She lowered her eyes."Because I missed you so much.After I landed I grabbed a cab and came directly to the hospital.Guess what I saw?"She lifted her chin and stared him down.

He wanted to kiss away the pain in her eyes.Stephanie had always been his one and only love...whatever she thought she’d seen, had been incorrect."I have no idea.Will you enlighten me?”

"No problem.”He got the feeling that she’d be happy to set him straight.“You were chatting up this beautiful doctor.She had long blonde hair and kept touching your sleeve.You both laughed a lot.Didn't take me but a minute to see that you were very chummy."

"That’s it?"He flexed his shoulders in anger."You saw me laugh and decided I was having an affair?Not true, or fair.”He recalled the Norwegian resident.“Ingrid was in training, like me.”

Her mouth pursed and her anger intensified."What else were you doing?"

"Sleeping.If you thought I was running around having a good time, you're mistaken."

"I saw what I saw.You looked happy, carefree, with a pretty woman at your side," her voice broke.

"Stephanie."Though nearly twelve years had passed, one thing remained clear."I loved you and wanted to make a life with you.Not with anyone else.I didn't have time for an affair even if I'd wanted to."His temper flared."One more thing.You forget that I knew Jessica and was also grieving, for her and the families of the slain students.I knew most of them."

At that, she lowered her arms to study him."Why didn’t you say so?”

“I tried at the beginning, but you all were in such pain that no one really heard me.I couldn't help you; work took up most of my time.I lived off coffee and granola bars for the first couple years."

She chewed on her bottom lip, fighting tears."I needed you so much.I wanted you so badly."

"If you'd stayed long enough to say hello when you flew in to see me, I'd have snuck away and found some private time with you...somehow."His voice heated.Time to cool down.“I never cheated, Stephanie.If I had wanted another woman, I would have told you first.”

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