Page 9 of A Change Of Heart

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The finality in his tone reached through her anger and her eyes welled."You're right.I should have confronted you and believed in you more."She sucked in a calming breath."When I saw you with that woman, it just tore me in two.I’d built you up as my safe place.”

They stared at one another, facing the truth.They'd failed each other.

After a long moment of silence, he spoke gently, “Don't feel bad, Steph.In hindsight, it was best that you didn't come to L.A."

"So, you finally admit it.”Her body bristled with tension.“You didn't want me there."

"That's not what I'm saying.”Jason eyed the ceiling and then her.“I wanted you too much.If you'd been with me, I'd probably have flunked out."

"Well, we never got the opportunity to find out, did we?"

"Steph, listen.You and I met at the worst possible time.Had we met years later, things would have been different.We might even be married, have kids."

Her fury was replaced with a sadness that gutted him."I’m sorry too, Jason."Stephanie swiped her long bangs out of her eyes and pushed an unruly lock behind her ear.“Let’s put this behind us.Over and done.”

"Agreed.Enough said."

"Well, it was good seeing you."Her face betrayed nothing.

"And you."He took a few steps toward the door and stopped, smacking his palm to his forehead."I almost forgot my main reason for being here.I came to see my uncle.We need to have a talk about his daughter."

"Henry is your uncle?"Surprise crossed Stephanie’s face."Seriously?Well, he's probably in his office."She looked behind her at the closed door and whispered, "What's wrong with her?"

"Kidney failure.Nicole is very sick, and he refuses to see her."

"Why would he do that?"

"Long story, but they had a falling out several years back."

"He's never talked about her."Stephanie moved away from the counter to his side, staring at the closed office door."You know, there've been times when I've noticed him preoccupied and sad.I just figured he was missing his wife."

"I'm sure he does."Just then the door creaked open, and Henry stepped out of the back room.

Jason took a step forward, but Henry brushed right past him."Thought I heard someone talking about me," he growled."What is it this time?"

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