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“Sasha what the fuck?” he hissed at her.

A loud horn had Furi jumping out of his skin and Sasha peeling away from the curb, but not before he got another icy-blue glare. It was pure, unadulterated hate. Jesus H. Christ. The bus pulled into the spot the Benz had just vacated. Furi blinked away his confusion and waved the driver on. He looked down at his phone and saw that he was still connected to Mack. He quickly lifted the phone back to his ear.

“Mack. Mack, you there?”

“Hey what happened? Are you with Sasha? I thought I heard you say her name,” Mack asked him.

“Fuck no. I was waiting on the bus and she pulled up, acting crazy. I’m headed back to Illustra now.” Furi was double-timing it back to the studio. “Hey, Mack.”


“You know when I cancelled the shoot with Sasha a few days ago?”

“Yeah, what about it? You pissed off ninety percent of my customers.”

Furi ignored that. “How’d she do with Doug? Did they not get along or something?”

“Doug offered to do it, but I didn’t pair her with Doug.”

Furi halted his steps, “Who’d you put her with?”

“Jake Starman.”

Furi’s chin rested on his chest, while he stood with his legs shoulder-width apart and his hands braced on the wall. He could sense the cameraman pan in to get a good shot of the water sluicing down his abs and streaming off his semi-erect cock.

“Rub some soap on your chest,” Joe instructed him. Joe was the coordinator/director of live performances. Furi had been clear he didn’t want to hear the customer's voice, so Joe was relaying her requests. At first it was difficult for Furi not to imagine a woman on the other end of the line. That coupled with everything going on his head: his ex-husband, Starman's death, school, just everything, meant he was struggling to get hard. There was only one thing that could keep Furi hard enough to get through this scene. Syn there with him.

Furi poured some body wash in his palm and imagined Syn’s coal black eyes scanning appreciatively over his body. Furi used his hand to track every ridge and muscle that Syn’s eyes roamed over. Syn moved in closer and ran the back of his hand down the length of Furi’s uncut cock. Furi took the back of his hand and mimicked him. The flushed head was already peeking out of his foreskin, seeking attention. Furi could hear Syn’s gasp when he pulled the skin all the way back, exposing a leaking slit.

Syn slowly moved his hand up Furi’s chest making goose bumps appear on his arms. Furi shivered and grasped the base of his shaft, jerking that sensitive skin up and down a couple times before stopping. It felt so fucking good and so torturously sweet to stop. Syn licked his neck and Furi let his head drop back to give those soft lips complete and total access. Furi rubbed his other hand up his body to his neck that was now slick from Syn’s tongue. Oh god. Furi opened his eyes and the camera was right there. He imagined Syn looking back at him. His eyes slid half closed when Syn’s shadowy gaze dropped to his nipples. Furi felt rough, calloused thumbs simultaneously rubbing over both delicate peaks. Mmmm. Fuck, feels good. Furi pinched them until they were red and aching. His cock leaked some more, ready and craving release. Syn wouldn’t make him beg for it. He took his hand, wrapped it around his fully hard dick and began a slow, sexy drag up and down with that skin gliding easily from his natural lube and the shower gel. Syn spun him around and pushed him hard up against the heated marble tiles. Furi arched his back off the wall and looked up into the soft recessed lighting over the shower, his neck fully exposed.

Syn, please. Furi shook when his hand crept under his cock to pull on his hypersensitive balls, already drawing up close to his body. He massaged them; kneaded them, rolling them around lazily in his hand. Furi licked his lips, desperately wanting Syn’s hot mouth down there. At first, just breathing his warm breath on them, heating them, before he opened wide to take the drawn-up sack inside. Oh my fucking ... Furi was already working to hold off his orgasm.

“She wants you on the bed,” Joe’s deep voice cut into Furi’s fantasy.

Furi shut off the water, grabbed a fluffy white towel off the warmer and casually rubbed off the excess water dripping from his hair onto his back. Leave a little water on you, you look sexy when you’re wet. Syn’s deep voice was right there telling Furi what he liked and he answered him. Whatever, you want, baby. Furi stretched out on the king-sized bed, not bothering to pull back the comforter. Furi reclined back slowly as if Syn were easing him back himself, watching him carefully. Furi’s entire body was on fire, and this from imagining himself with Syn. If he ever got the pleasure to actually be with the hot Detective, he might spontaneously combust.
