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“You’re not as smart as you think you are Lieutenant Day!”

“Smart enough to like cock,” Day shot over his shoulder before leaving the room.

Syn and God doubled over laughing at Day’s parting shot and he was sure Lady Jay heard them because she went crazy.

“Laugh all you want. I didn’t ask for this lifestyle! I was born this way!” she yelled at the mirror.

“Well damn. She brought out the national gay anthem.” Day chuckled.

“Yeah. She went there.” Syn smirked. He turned to the uniformed officer still holding the Diet Coke and plucked it from his hand, popping the top and taking a long sip. “That crazy bitch can drink water when she gets upstairs. Take her back to lock-up. Call her lawyer.” He’d let Homicide deal with Lady Jay from here on out.

“The first of Illustra’s entertainers are upstairs,” Ronowski said as he met them on the stairs heading back to their office. “Two men and one woman.”

“Alright. Let me know what you come up with,” Syn told him. Ronowski could handle questioning them. Syn had watched his interrogation tactics, and he was good.

Ronowski went one way and God and Day another to review some of Starman's films. All this bullshit to get to an ecstasy dealer. Syn was not in the mood to spend his day watching a shit load of porn. He yelled to his bosses that he was going to lunch and he’d be back in an hour.

‘Shit Just Got Real’

Furi was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the next bus. After he’d called Doug’s brother, aka: his divorce lawyer and gave him the okay to have Patrick served, he thought he'd feel sick and be scared shitless, but he actually felt pretty damn good. He was taking back his life. He wouldn’t run and hide anymore. Furi was all about control now. Living it and taking it.

He still had thirty minutes before the bus was scheduled to arrive when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. The illuminated display told him it was Mack. Fuck. Furi allowed himself to contemplate not answering for a few seconds before he connected the call.

“Yeah?” He answered shortly, already knowing exactly what Mack wanted.

“Hey Furious. It’s Mack. I’m really sorry to call all spur of the moment like this. Dean had a live performance scheduled today but he was picked up by the Detectives for questioning.” Furi heard Mack let out a frustrated breath. “I know you don’t do live, but no one else is available. You won’t see or hear the customer. Just act like it’s a solo. All you have to do is jerk off. Joe will be on the phone with the customer and if they want you to do something specific, Joe will tell you. The pay is good. When we tried to cancel, the customer offered up an additional five hundred if we find a replacement.”

Furi sighed in annoyance. He was already scheduled tomorrow for a solo; he damn sure didn’t feel up to filming two days back-to-back. I’m in control.

“Tell you what, Mack. I’m supposed to do my solo tomorrow. I’m willing to kill two birds with one stone.” Furi could almost feel the vertebrae in his spine locking into place. No one was telling him what to do anymore. His suggestion may be a long shot since private live shows were supposed to be exclusive, that’s why they cost so damn much. But hell, if Mack said no, Furi had no problem saying no, too.

Mack was silent so Furi waited.

“After your live ends, we’ll have to add a few things so that it doesn’t look like we used a film instead of a live. Maybe change rooms and your clothes, then add other positions. How about that?”

Furi thought for a second. Shit. That’d be seven hundred dollars. Furi didn’t even have to talk to the customer. “Alright. What time?”

“It’s in an hour. I can have one of the guys come get you.”

“No. I’m around the corner. I need to make a quick phone call–” Furi’s words died off when he saw a dark Benz come around the corner way too slowly. Furi squinted. The windows were so dark he couldn’t see inside. The car crept up to him and Furi’s focus diverted from Mack.

“So are you in, Furi?”

Furi didn’t hear Mack’s last question as he unconsciously let his hand fall slowly to his side while keeping his eyes on the dark vehicle. When the passenger side window rolled down, Furi stood up and leaned over a little to peer inside. Furi could see Sasha’s blue eyes and blonde streaked hair. She sneered angrily at him as she stopped at the curb. He couldn’t see the passengers, just assumed it was a couple other women from Illustra. Furi knew he looked confused as he took a timid step forward. He paused and his heart skipped a beat when the back window rolled down just far enough for someone to stick their hand out in the shape of a gun with their thumb and index finger pointed directly at him. His head jerked back at that gesture.
