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Furi laid his hair across the pillow and spread his legs wide as the cameraman set up directly in front of him. “This how you want me?” Furi asked, looking right into the camera. He was talking to Syn, picturing him at his desk at the police station; watching Furi when he should’ve been working.

“Yes,” Joe said his voice rough. “Bring yourself off fast. Two minutes left.”

Not even gonna take that long. Furi got a good grip on his balls, wanting so bad to dip one finger lower to tease his quivering hole ... but that probably wouldn’t be received too well. So Furi rubbed the tender area beneath his balls, his hips rocking back and forth slowly. His other hand started working the excess skin up and down his cock, and it wasn’t long before he started to feel the electricity sparking a fire in his groin. He didn’t even need the Slick that was next to him, he was leaking so much. Furi picked up the pace, moaning and writhing, putting on a good show for his tough cop. Wanna see you come for me, Furious. Come and moan my name. I want to hear it on your lips. Yes, Syn. With one leg bent up and falling to the side, Furi showed Syn the best part of himself. Were he wanted the man to be, pushing into him so deep he felt too full to do anything but grunt and cry out for him not to stop. I’ma come for you ... fuck. Furi stroked with a purpose. He would come for Syn, show him he could please him. He applied more pressure to his balls, squeezing them almost to the point of pain … such sweet pain. His right hand flew up and down his length, twisting the skin around the head on each up stroke. His head was tilted back, his brow furrowed, it was straining his resolve not to shove fingers into his ass. Furi gritted his teeth and he swore he could feel the vein in his neck bulging from the intense pleasure. Fuck. I’m 'bout to come. Fuck. I’m 'bout to come so fuckin’ hard. Furi pushed his foreskin down, made a fist over his cock head, and squeezed repeatedly, the action making the head pulse and throb; that was what pulled him over and Furi freefell. The first blast of come exploded from his slit making his body jerk and the back of his head slam against the pillow. Synnnnn. Yes, baby. I’m right here. So fuckin sexy when you come. Furi’s cock spurted again and again, the hot come landing on his chest. He rubbed it in, showing Syn how nasty he wanted to be with him. Furi’s chest rose and fell with his labored breathing. He slowly dragged his skin up and down his cock a couple more times, squeezing any come out that lingered in his shaft, looking at the camera with lustful eyes.

“And cut,” Joe called out. “Good one, dude. Damn caller was panting so fucking hard she couldn’t even give any more instructions.”

Furi just nodded with a secret smile on his face. If Joe or the caller only knew what was going on in Furi’s mind. Goddamnit, Syn. He was so sated he was close to pulling out a cigarette and sparking one as if he were in his own bedroom. I’m in trouble. I want him ... bad.

Furi was sitting on the bus staring blindly out the window. Filming had taken way longer than he’d expected. After doing the one hour live, Mack had the producers do a new set and wardrobe to mix in some original material for his solo. That took over three hours before he was able to start posing for some quick shots. He didn’t even have time to go home before his shift at the pub.

Now that the orgasmic bliss had worn off, his mind clicked back on. He didn’t want to think about all those damn concerns because he had no clue which issue to tackle first: school finals that were next week, the risk of gambling his entire savings on signing a lease for a garage, Sasha’s certifiable behavior, his deep desire for a possibly in-the-closet-will-snap-my-neck-in-my-sleep-if-we-fuck detective, his schizo soon-to-be-ex-husband and brother-n-law, Starman’s death. Beaten and killed by women. Fuck. Furi put his ear buds in and tried to drown out his thoughts with some Green Day as he closed his eyes and settled in for the ride to the pub.

Furi groaned as soon as he pulled open the thick wooden door. The place was already filling up with obnoxious, horny college kids. Furi eased his way in between groups to get to the opening at the end of the bar. Furi felt a firm grip on his arm trying to turn him around. He yanked his arm loose, while spinning to look into dark eyes. Fuck. Syn.
