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They rested their foreheads together as they came down from the high of their orgasms.

“My balls are going to be shriveled up for weeks,” Furi groaned, letting the water rinse away the last of their come.

Syn groaned in agreement and shut off the water. “I’m exhausted.”

“Me too.”



‘I Didn’t Say That … Oh Yes, You Fuckin’ Did’

Syn woke up before Furi, but he tried hard not to disturb him. He just wanted to watch him. Furi was on his back and his hair was spread wildly across Syn’s blue pillowcases. Syn couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face when Furi snorted and absently ran his hand across his chest downward to his pubic hair and gave the wiry hairs a good scratch. It took everything for Syn not to burst out laughing. Syn hadn’t felt the urge to laugh so much in years. Furi was making him feel amazing things emotionally and sexually. He was all about making Syn feel good. Furi rolled to his side and automatically reached for Syn so he could grind his morning wood into his thigh.

Syn couldn’t hold his chuckle anymore.

“What’s so funny?” Furi said in his sexy morning voice, not bothering to open his eyes.

“You. Aren’t you still fucked-out?” Syn asked, his voice just as froggy.

“Well, my dick has a mind of its own.” Furi finally opened his eye and Syn immediately got lost in their depths. He couldn’t think of a comeback. Syn’s eyes roamed over the gorgeous man in front of him. Even with sleep in his eyes and his hair in an unruly heap, he was still the most beautiful sight in the world. Syn’s face must’ve revealed his thoughts because he felt Furi’s palm cup his cheek.

“I know,” Furi whispered.

Fuck. He knows. Wait. Knows what? How? Furi couldn’t possibly know. Syn buried his face in Furi’s chest and let the man stroke his tense back. He couldn’t let Furi have all the power. If he put his heart out there too fast there was no telling what the man would do with it. Furi had never indicated that he was ready for a full-on relationship, especially with his divorce not being final yet. He was sure Furi didn’t want to fuck around but that didn’t mean he was ready to pick out China patterns with Syn either.

“Don’t hide from me.” Furi gripped Syn’s short hair at the nape of his neck. “It’s okay.”

Syn squeezed Furi’s shoulders, holding him close.

“Not until you’re ready, okay? I’ll be right here when you are,” Furi told him softly.

Syn was thankful that Furi didn’t press the issue. He wasn’t ready for a heart-to-heart and he didn’t want to be considered a sap falling for a man after only knowing him for three weeks.

“What are your plans for today?” Furi changed the subject

Thank goodness.

“Nothing. I’m off today, unless I get called in.” Syn rolled back and settled onto his side of the bed. My side.

“Oh. Cool. I gotta go to the shop and accept a delivery at four,” Furi informed him. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

Syn cleared his throat, hoping Furi was giving him this opening. “You wanna get some breakfast, maybe catch that new action flick that came out last week? I was gonna go by myself today but if you’re not busy.”

Furi turned slowly and revealed his shit-eating grin. “Awww. Are you asking me on a day date, Syn? That’s so sweet.”

Syn flipped Furi off and sat up in bed grabbing the remote so he had an excuse to ignore Furi’s teasing.

Furi sauntered around to Syn’s side of the bed and yanked the remote out of his hand. “Don’t try to ignore me.” He mock glared at Syn.

Syn moved fast, grabbed Furi around his narrow waist and twisted, throwing him back on the bed. Furi grunted loudly and Syn dove right in, biting and making loud snarling sounds against his neck.

Furi laughed uncontrollably and Syn realized that he was laughing just as hard as Furi tried unsuccessfully to get out of his grip. “Okay! Okay! I’ll go with you,” Furi yelled.

Syn stopped gnawing at Furi and got off the bed, walking into his closet. “That’s all you had to say in the first place,” Syn said easily.

“You asshole.” Furi propped himself up on an elbow and watched Syn across the room. Syn noticed Furi didn’t start to get dressed until Syn was completely finished. Those dark eyes tracked his every move.

By the time they’d finally stopped playing around, it was after noon. Syn took Furi to a nice bar that was situated on Lake Sinclair. When Syn told Ruxs that he loved any kind of seafood. The man had quickly recommended it. Syn was biased coming from up North; it just seemed natural that they had the best seafood. But Ruxs had been right. The atmosphere was laid back since they were serving the lunch crowd, and the service was friendly. After six the restaurant turned into the locals' favorite dive and karaoke bar. Syn didn’t sing but he and his day date sure as hell enjoyed the wonderful fried crabs.
