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“Furi,” Syn’s voice was so low, he only heard him because his face was buried against his neck. “I won’t fuck you now.”

Furi closed his eyes and exhaled before he could speak. “You will if I tell you to.”

“Yes, I would. But I’d rather wait.” Syn stopped grinding against him and Furi heard the tortured groan from the big Sergeant.

“Wait for what?” Furi breathed deeply. His ass was clenching and he wanted to voice how disappointed he was that Syn didn’t want him in that way. He understood not all men were versatile but he was shocked as hell that Syn had refused him.

“Until it’s time,” Syn whispered and moved away from him.

Furi didn’t ask him to elaborate. He wasn’t sure what Syn meant by ‘time’. They’d already fucked. What exactly were they waiting for?

Furi turned around and stared back at Syn. He nodded his head that it was fine for them to wait.

“Shower?” Syn asked, his mouth twisting into a wry grin.

Furi braced his hands on the warmed tiles while Syn soaped and bathed his body from head to toe. “Can I wash your hair?”

“Yes,” was all Furi managed to say. The five-star treatment felt so damn good he didn’t trust what would come out his mouth if he didn’t limit his replies to one word. Like an undying declaration of love.

Syn reached in front of him and retrieved Furi’s shampoo and poured a whole palm full in his hand.

Furi chuckled lightly. “You think you got enough?”

“I love the way this smells. Where do you get it?”

“I buy it online from someone who came up with their own concoction for men’s hair. But it works well for me.”

Furi groaned as soon as Syn’s hands connected with his scalp. He massaged the special conditioning shampoo into his long locks and Furi got lost in the repetitive motions. Syn moved in close to his back and Furi’s cock quickly took notice.

“Does it feel good when I do this?” Syn said against Furi’s neck.

“Mmmhmm.” Furi had no other words. Good just didn’t describe it. Furi pushed his ass back against Syn’s cock and wasn’t surprised to find him hard as a concrete.

Syn finger-combed Furi’s hair and tilted his head back so he was under the powerful spray. When Syn was done rinsing out all of the product, he reached for the bottle again. Furi didn’t have to wonder long what Syn was doing when his hand reached between them and grasped both of their raging hard-ons and started stroking quickly. Furi’s knees buckled and Syn pressed his chest hard against him to keep him upright. “Fuck, Syn.” This wasn’t about gentility or romance, it was about two men that needed to get the fuck off.

Syn growled against Furi’s neck. His fist was applying just the right amount of pressure for Furi. Syn had taken care of every one of his needs tonight, and after washing him like a king, he was getting him off one last time which would ensure him falling into a coma as soon as he got in bed.

“I’m 'bout to come,” Syn moaned, his hips jerking against Furi's.

“Yes.” Furi grabbed Syn’s face between both his palms and made him look at him. “Let me watch you.”

Furi’s hips bucked once, twice and he was coming all over Syn’s tight fist. It had to have driven Syn mad because he followed right after. His hot come mixing with the hot spray of the shower. He could see Syn fighting to keep his eyes open and trained on him, but he managed it. Watching Syn come was becoming Furi's most favorite thing in the world. There was nothing like it. Muscles tensing and veins bulging everywhere. Whether it was true or not, Furi believed he was the only one who could make him come like this. He’d believe it until Syn told him otherwise.

Syn brought his hand up and looked at their combined releases dripping between his fingers. Furi could see the indecision all over his face. He wanted to taste and he wasn’t sure. Furi grabbed Syn’s wrist and brought one coated finger to his mouth and licked it clean, never taking his eyes off Syn's.

“Damnit, Furi.”

Furi liked the strained 'damnit' that slid from Syn’s mouth. His eyelids were half closed as he watched Furi clean his hand.

“Com'ere,” Furi ordered.

Syn wasted no time obeying. Furi cupped his jaw and brought their mouths together, slipping his tongue in Syn’s mouth to give him a taste. Syn moaned in his mouth and opened wider to take him in deeper.

“You like the way we taste, baby?” Furi whispered, sealing his mouth over Syn’s again.

“Mmm. Yes.” Syn held him close.

They stood staring at each other, and Furi found himself clenching his jaw to stop from saying something that might make Syn bolt. God this man was intense. Everything about him screamed perfect for Furi but he’d be patient until Syn realized it too.
