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After the movie, Syn walked around Savannah with Furi on his arm. When he wanted to hold his hand he did. When he wanted to wrap his arm around his waist he did. When he wanted to kiss him he did it like his life depended on it. Syn enjoyed every minute of it, but he did it partially because he needed to show Furi that he was proud to be seen with him in public. Syn ignored some of the uncomfortable stares and instead focused on the most wonderful man he’d ever known.

Walking through the streets of Savannah was like something out of a movie set. Cobblestone roads, historical landscapes, three-hundred year-old architecture and shops of all kinds lined the streets. Fall colors and hundred-year-old weeping willow trees shaded the park they strolled through. Furi stopped suddenly and leaned against a massive tree trunk to watch a large riverboat dock.

“That thing is huge,” Syn remarked, leaning into Furi’s side.

“Yeah they have dinner cruises.”

“Really? You wanna go on one?” Syn said before he even thought about it.

Furi looked at him in shock, before the look quickly turned to appreciation. “Yes,” he grinned. “When?”

“Tonight, if they have one.” Syn gave Furi a fast kiss and yanked on his arm, pulling him along behind him. They ran across the park, both of them grinning like lovesick fools. Syn strode up to the ticket booth and looked up at the board displaying the cruise times. Syn pulled Furi into his chest and crooned in his ear. “Ohhh, they have a twilight cruise at seven. How’s that sound? A riverboat ride at sunset, dinner on the water, then you in my arms on the top deck under the stars.”

Furi wrapped his arm around Syn’s neck and let his head fall to the side so Syn could keep whispering.

“Then back to my place for dessert.”

“Have you always been this romantic?” Furi breathed heavily against the side of Syn’s face.

“Absolutely not,” Syn answered honestly and turned to purchase their tickets.

Syn drove Furi to the shop so he could sign for his delivery. He didn’t want to be away from him even for a second, which was a crazy new feeling to him. But he wouldn’t crowd him. Furi needed to handle some business so he would give the man his space.

Syn had to take his hand off Furi’s thigh so he could answer his cell phone. He saw it was Day and put it on speakerphone.

“Yeah, Day. What’s the word?” Syn greeted, cutting right to chase on the decision of Furi’s protective order.

“It’s done and I had Ruxs and Green serve it this afternoon.” Day’s grin could be heard through the phone.

Syn and Furi turned and smiled at each other, remembering how intimidating those two detectives looked. There was no way Patrick and Brenden would want to go up against them. They were the muscle of the taskforce so Syn could only imagine how they served that order. Surely Furi’s ex was on the first thing smoking back to Charlotte.

“Ask Furi if he's gotten any phone calls from asshat today.”

“Wait how’d you know he was even with me?” Syn glanced a look at the phone.

Day pfftd. “Yeah right, just ask him.”

Furi spoke up, his deep voice filling the small space of Syn’s truck. “No I haven’t. Thank you very much Day, I really appreciate your help man.”

Day’s voice dropped a couple octaves and rumbled back through the speaker. “Call me Leo, darlin. And just how appreciative are you willing to be, Furious?”


Syn disconnected the call and tossed the phone into the console. Furi laughed so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks.

“I’m glad you think he’s funny. I think I’m going to give him a chop to his fucking throat when I see him,” Syn grumbled. He pulled into the parking lot of Furi’s shop and stopped right in front of the first auto bay door.

“I have about a half-hour before the delivery is supposed to arrive and then I’m going to hang around for Doug. Why don’t leave you truck here and I’ll tune it up for you? Is there someone close who can pick you up?”

Syn smiled. “Alright. There’s always someone close. I’ll have Ronowski pick me up. I got some files to look over in the office before we do the ecstasy bust tomorrow.”

After Furi unlocked the garage-style door, Syn pulled his truck in. He got out and followed Furi into the shop and was awed at how much they’d gotten done in the past week. “Baby, it looks great in here. I love the checker board floors.”

“Thank you. My dad’s bike will be here soon. I can’t fuckin’ wait. It’s tricked out real cherry.” Furi’s face was full of pride and Syn basked in it. He loved that Furi was finally going to have what he wanted out of life. Syn just hoped he could be a part of it too.
