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But tonight, there’s definitely something in Leah’s eyes. I haven’t ever seen a guy hanging around her before and I know Brandon’s determined to keep it that way. Maybe kitty is bored of being locked away and she’s desperate for someone to set her free. The idea of taking that crazy step makes me embarrassingly hard. I’m sure Leah can see it, hell the whole room can probably see it. I’m known for being well endowed.

It’s absolutely impossible for me to drag my eyes off of her. I try, I attempt to for the sake of my friendship and the sake of her family. I need to so I can keep any further drama out of my life, but I can’t. Leah is giving me some kind of look and it’s driving me wild. I haven’t ever been so tempted to lean down and kiss her before…

“So, where’s your boyfriend?” I ask, trying to break the tension. “He not here?”

“As if I have a boyfriend,” she giggles and brushes her hand over my arm. “No, I’m here with my friend, Mandi, but she’s kissing some guy too. I guess it’s just me and you, left all alone tonight.”

The dress is the devil. It’s bringing the vixen out of her. I’m just one man, a hot blooded male with needs, how am I supposed to behave myself for the sake of everyone else? It really isn’t fair. This girl is so sweet and innocent, she’s the forever girl, not the hook ups type, but my God, if my cock doesn’t get what it wants soon I will explode.

Walk away, I tell myself. Keep yourself under control, end the conversation and leave. Make this right.

But I already know that I’m not going to do that. I’m under Leah’s spell now, she has me trapped. I don’t think that I’m going anywhere for a very long time. Even if… especially if it means trouble.

“So, since we’re alone,” I say in a much too flirty tone. “What do you want to do with ourselves?”

Chapter Seven – Leah

I know that I’m supposed to be keeping away from Zane tonight, I know that, so why the hell can’t I? Why am I standing here, talking to him, flirting with him, in a way that I haven’t done before? Yes, I’ve had one cup of beer that’s maybe loosened up my tongue a bit, but it hasn’t made me drunk. Just happy.

I’ll be honest, the moment that Zane came over here with that lustful look in his eyes, I knew that I was in trouble and that sensation has only gotten worse. Now, I’m in too deep. I’m utterly stuck in this mess.

“Maybe we should just stand around here and chat…?” I say playfully with a half shrug. “Or maybe we should get away from all this loved up madness and we should go somewhere a little… quieter?”

Did I just say that? What is happening with me? I know the dress has given me confidence, and the booze too, but it’s like I’m a different version of myself. A sexy goddess who’s more than up for some fun. Actually, for one night only, I like this version of me. It feels good to be bold and different, it feels amazing to have Zane’s attention. It might not be the wisest move ever made, but Mandi doesn’t care about being smart, she’s having fun. So are all the other people here. It’s time for me to join the throes and just enjoy myself. Even if that means making a dumb choice. Zane isn’t the happy ever after type, he’s the one night stand type, but maybe that’s what I need just to get him out of my system. Or maybe I’ll be that one girl who changes him…

“I like your second idea,” Zane replies decisively. “Let’s go for a walk.”

As we move, Zane slips his hand into mine as if he doesn’t care who sees us. The fact that he isn’t trying to hide me, despite the fact that Brandon’s here, thrills me as much as the electricity that he has racing through my system. The feel of his skin on mine is intense. I love it, I never want it to end. Of course, I am nervous about my brother seeing us, but the excitement of being this way with Zane completely overshadows that.

He walks towards the stairs, which admittedly surprises me. I guess I thought that we might go outside to get some fresh air and chat, but I suppose he’s right. There will be loads of others out there with the same idea. Upstairs means bedrooms which is privacy but it’s also… well, it’s also all my fantasies come to life.

That idea is almost overwhelming. Almost. Luckily, I’ve thought about hooking up with Zane so many times that it’s almost like this isn’t the first time. This is just another day, just another time for us to potentially have sex… oh God, there’s a buzzing in my panties. I feel like I might just fall apart here.

It’s okay, I convince myself with some deep breaths. This is Zane. He’s a good guy, he knows what he’s doing.

“You know, I cannot remember the last time I saw your bedroom,” he comments idly while squeezing my fingers. “You always have the door closed when I go past. Is it still pink and decorated with teddy bears?”

“Oh haha,” I shoot back sarcastically. “Wasn’t that when I was about four years old? Are you telling me that you were cool back then? Did you have it decorated with motorbikes, or something?”

Zane doesn’t answer me. Instead he spins me around, tucking me under his arm then he presses my back against the wall. Danger is everywhere, I can almost feel all eyes upon us, my heart thunders against my rib cage with expectation… but I can’t look anywhere but at him. He’s luring me in with those gorgeous eyes.

“I have always wanted to kiss you,” he murmurs while tucking his free finger under my chin. My entire body screams out to him, I can barely hold it together. “I don’t know why I haven’t done it before.”

There are so many reasons, the logical side of me knows that, but right now my brain is absolutely blank. It’s almost as if I don’t have any logic at all, and I’m nothing but sensations. Every fiber within me is screaming out for me to get my first ever kiss from this amazing boy and that’s all I can think about. I have butterflies the size of giant eagles flapping away inside of me, sending me absolutely wild. This moment should be happening, the reason that I can’t forget about Zane is because it’s always been him. He should be my first everything.

He dips his head, bringing his lips towards me tantalizingly slowly. All I want to do is raise myself up onto my tiptoes to meet him half way, but I can’t. I’m frozen in a fearful, excited anticipation. I count my heart beats, just to stop my legs from collapsing underneath me, just to keep me standing up so I get this kiss.

One, two… three, four… five, six…

And then his lips crash into mine and a flurry of fireworks explode within me. What I thought was butterflies is actually rocket launchers. I’m so glad I’m against the wall because I have something to keep myself up. Zane’s lips feel amazing, and his warm tongue that has started darting between my lips is phenomenal. I’m on fire.

All of a sudden, an inadvertent moan escapes my throat and makes it all the way past my lips, revealing just how excited I am by all of this. I should be embarrassed about that, but Zane grabs me tighter to him, making it okay. He’s the only person that I could feel this comfortable with. I don’t know where I’d be with anyone else.

“Shall we go into your room?” he eventually mutters into my mouth. “Get some… privacy?”

Judging by the way that his hands rub up and down my sides, feeling every inch of my curves, I know what he means by that. Zane is giving me a choice and to be honest I already know what my answer will be. This is something that I’ve wanted forever, so I nod willingly and I allow his arms to wrap around my waist.

We crash through my bedroom door and as it slams behind me everything changes. There’s no thought anymore, it’s all just feelings. Zane peels off my clothes rapidly, my flushed skin becomes revealed to him, and as it does I see Zane’s eyes pop with a happy surprise. It doesn’t seem to matter that he’s probably seen hundreds of other girls naked, loads of them certainly hotter and more attractive here, right now he really wants to be with me. As I spot that lust behind his gaze I find myself leaning closer to him, falling for him harder.

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