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“Sorry I’ve been a bit…” I scuff my shoe awkwardly along the ground. “You know. It’s Rosa, she’s crazily obsessive and I’ve had some troubles at home as well. You know better than anyone what that’s like.”

Brandon smiles at me and he throws his arm over my shoulder. I don’t even need him to speak for me to thankfully know that I’m forgiven. He’s a great friend like that, we can have our differences – not that this was even that really – and we can come out the other side stronger than ever. I even think our friendship will survive college. Although, it’s only supposed to be him going off to college, not me as well.

I decide not to bring that up tonight, not on Brandon’s birthday. I’m not really ready to share anyway. I’ll wait until things have calmed down tomorrow when we can talk better. Who knows, maybe Brandon will even have some advice for me. If anyone is smart enough to get me out of this, it’s definitely him.

“Let’s go and get some drinks in!” I say loudly instead. “Come on, you only turn eighteen once!”

The house is absolutely crowded, I’m surprised Miss Hawkin has allowed it but I suppose she wants to give her son a good time. I’m sure she feels guilty for not being there much. She’s an amazing mom despite all of that, I had my birthday three months back and didn’t actually do anything for it because of them. Me and Brandon tried to get into a bar but we immediately got kicked out for looking as underage as we are.

Despite our young age, there’s quite a bit of booze floating around tonight, all of which I’m sure has been snuck in. Normally I don’t feel this odd sense of anticipation, I just get stuck right in, but I suppose this is the first time that I might actually be involved with the clean up… which sucks. I hope nothing gets broken.

“I have to ask you,” Brandon turns to me once we both have drinks. “How did you manage to get here without Rosa? She’s been absolutely stuck to your hip the past few weeks. Is she coming later on?”

“I would love to answer that question with a resounding no, but I can’t be sure,” I reply with a chuckle. “I never mentioned it and nor did she, but then again she didn’t ask me where I am tonight which isn’t like her, so I have to assume that she might crash at some point. I’ll try and get rid of her before she does anything crazy.”

“Hey, Brandon…” Serena, one of the shyer girls in our class says to him. “I was wondering if you wanted to dance?” Her entire face flames with embarrassment, but still she persists. There’s a lot of this at the moment, the attitude that we’ll all be going our separate ways soon so we have to seize the moment. “If you want to…?”

Brandon looks to me as if he feels bad for leaving me which is crazy. I want him to have the time of his life!

“You go, buddy,” I insist. “I’ll catch up with you later. Have a good time. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

“Well, that leaves nothing,” he chuckles, a sound that’s filled with mirth. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

As he goes, I smirk to myself. It’s quite freeing this attitude that nothing really matters because everything’s going to change soon anyway. Although, in a way, I’ve always been like that. The rules, the commitment, that’s never appealed to me, so I’ve always lived every day a little like it’s my last. It’s just awesome to see everyone else finally catching up with me! Living in the moment is awesome, I don’t ever want to stop.

I walk through the party, scanning my eyes over everyone. It’s mostly the usual crowd, the one’s who party all the time, but I spot a few new faces too. People who Brandon invited to be kind or because they overheard him discussing it. He’s nice like that, I just hope everyone behaves enough so it doesn’t backfire.

Who is that? All of a sudden, my eyes find someone brand new. An incredibly sexy girl with the cutest fifties style pin up dress on that I’ve ever seen. It’s red with white dots all over it and makes her look like a sexy model slash house wife that I’ve laid eyes on. My heart actually stops dead in my chest. Oh my God, is that Leah?

I’ve noticed her growing, I’ve seen her developing, I’ve felt certain ways about her, but it hasn’t ever been like this. It’s as if there’s a spot light on her, as if everyone else has vanished. It’s only her left in the world. Even the noise of the party vanishes into nothing as I stare at Leah as if she’s an angel sent from heaven.

With her ash blonde hair spilling down her back and her eyes popping under the incredible make up that she has on, she doesn’t look young anymore. She doesn’t look anything like Brandon’s kid sister. She’s a goddess.

Before I can even think about what to do next, my feet begin walking towards her. There’s an intense pull, dragging me forwards if I want to go or not. A magnet is dragging me, it’s out of my control.

“H…hi,” I stammer at her as soon as I’m close enough. I sound like the nerdy virgin guy rather than the cocky bad boy that most people know me as. “How are you, Leah? Are… are you having a good time?”

She sends me a bored smile and flips her hair over her shoulder. As more of her neck and shoulders are revealed to me, all I want to do is sink my teeth into that beautiful, unbroken flesh. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, I’m fully aware that Leah is off limits, but today that’s making her even more appealing.

“Yeah, all good thanks.” Leah’s eyes are everywhere but on me. “Lots of people here.”

“Yeah, I know.” I nod along, bobbing my head like an idiot. “I’ve just been talking to Brandon but he got dragged away by one of the girls in our class in the middle of the conversation. He’s a player tonight.”

He’s a player? What the fuck am I on about? Have I forgotten that this is his sister? Idiot!

“You talked to Brandon?” She grips onto my arm, finally giving me her full attention. All of a sudden, I can see my distance from her brother has been the main problem. I don’t get the impression that Brandon and Leah talk much about personal stuff, so my behavior must have been bad. I need to explain myself when I can. But not now… still, not now. “You made things up with him? Is everything alright now?”

“Erm, yes, everything is fine.” It’s hard to focus on her words when her touch has bolts of electricity racing through my skin. It’s almost as if she hasn’t ever touched me before, and the first time is bringing me to life all over. It’s odd, but far too pleasant at the same time. “It’s all good now. We’ll talk properly tomorrow.”

Leah’s face breaks into a genuine grin. This just reminds me exactly why I need to stay away from her. The Hawkin family have lost a lot. I can’t be the reason that they lose each other as well… even if Leah does have the most incredible red lips known to man, even if I can see down her dress ever so slightly and I like what I see, even if I’ve never seen her legs before and they go on forever. I have to keep control of myself.

“Is your girlfriend not here?” she asks in a playful tone. “I heard you are joined at the hip.”

I growl at her and roll my eyes dramatically. “You know me, I don’t do girlfriends.”

“You will one day. When the right girl comes along, won’t you?”

I don’t know what it is, but the air between us is so sexually charged that for a moment I get the impression that she might be taking about herself. She can’t be though, if she’s attracted to me then I would have spotted it beforehand. I’m basically the king of seeing lust from a million miles away. It’s a skill.

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