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* * * *

It was Wednesday morning, and Juliet was jogging down the road on the way back to her house. She heard the car coming down the street but didn’t bother to look. She was out of breath and ready for the few hundred feet until she reached her driveway. The car didn’t pass. Instead it slowed down, and she panicked. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Carl behind the wheel. Her belly clenched. She sped up and reached the driveway then walked back and forth as Carl parked the car. She glanced at her watch, noted the good time she’d made, but her body began to shake. Why was Carl here? He and Richie were really starting to lay on the flirtatious comments, and she knew with every feminine instinct she had that they were interested in her. But she remained distant. She had to. She wasn’t even able to get a decent night’s sleep. Her nightmares awoke her often, and now thoughts of Carl and Richie flirting with her added to her sleepless nights.

“Hey, gorgeous, you’re up bright and early. We didn’t get out of the club until after four,” Carl stated.

She looked at him. Her eyes absorbed the sight of the tight blue T-shirt and ripples of muscles, his relaxed-fit, dark blue jeans, and scuffed-up cowboy boots. He was a gorgeous one.

“What do you want?” she found herself asking with an attitude. He raised his eyebrows at her, and his facial expression changed from shocked to relaxed in an instant. She almost missed it.

“I’m meeting Susanna here along with Monte an

d Richie.” He looked her over from head to toe. He was just as intimidating and macho as his brother. She felt her cheeks warm as she lowered her head.

“Oh. Okay,” she replied then started walking toward the house.

“Got any plans today?” he asked her.


“It’s going to be nice out. Richie and I are going to head into town later for lunch. Do you want to tag along?”

She opened the front door, but he placed his palm against it to stop her from opening the second door.

He was inches from her back. She closed her eyes and imagined him touching her, holding her, until she felt his hand on her hip. She jumped then turned her head to the side to look at him.

He stared down at her with those big dark brown eyes of his.

“What do you say, Juliet? Join us for lunch?”

“I can’t. I’ve got things to do before work tonight.”

“You just said you didn’t have plans.”

“I forgot.”

He reached up and touched her chin. Her breathing hitched as she remained staring up into his eyes. Oh God, he’s so good looking. He smells so good, too.

She swallowed hard.

His thumb caressed her skin, and she held his gaze.

“Baby, you’re so pretty and sweet. Come out with us. Tell me yes.”

She was about to respond when the door flew open and Susanna stood there.

“Hey, I thought I heard voices out here. Come on in, Carl.” Juliet quickly headed by Susanna. She owed her one for that interruption. She headed upstairs and straight into the shower. She wasn’t coming out of her room until Carl left.

* * * *

Carl sat by the table along with Richie, Monte, Susanna, Ava, and Paula. He kept glancing up toward the hallway, hoping that Juliet would come down soon. It was getting late, and he really wanted her to join them for lunch. He had to tell Richie about what happened outside earlier. It seemed to Carl that Juliet was getting more timid instead of more comfortable around him and his brother. They needed to know why.

“So, I think that this is a great idea. I like the fact that Carl and Richie will alternate walking the floor each night. Their military backgrounds and experiences make them an asset to your security team, Susanna,” Monte stated. Susanna smiled.

“I’m am certain that this will be a great idea. Let’s start it tonight. You’ve got your people set up in the surveillance room upstairs, correct?” Susanna asked.

“Yes. Joe and Rex have it covered.”

“Great, then I think we’re all set. Thanks, everyone.” Susanna smiled.

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