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He appeared to be having difficulty breathing. He was really upset.

He pointed at her with one finger as the other remained on his hip. He was red in the face.

“If I ever, ever see you place yourself in between two men like that again, or even look as if you’re about to stop a fight, I swear, Juliet, I will drag your ass out of there, throw you over my knee, and spank your ass.”

She gave herself a little mental shake. Was he out of his mind? Who did he think he was?

“Calm down, Richie. I’m a big girl, and I know what I can and can’t handle. They were only fooling around.”

He stepped closer, and she immediately took a step back. He advanced until her shoulder blades hit the wall behind her. Shocked at the intensity in his expression and something deeper, darker in his eyes, she was forced to look up until her head tilted as far back as it could go.

She jumped when she felt his very large hand on her waist.

“You are not listening to me, Juliet. Don’t do it. Don’t push Carl or me. We are responsible for your safety. G-Force, Big Dog, and Clyde are in charge of breaking up fights and handling potential situations. Not you.”

His teeth were clenched. She took an uneasy breath. Juliet had never seen Richie so angry.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have just called G. It won’t happen again.”

His expression softened, and he stepped closer. Her belly hit the belt buckle on the waist of his dress pants. One hand squeezed her hip a little harder as he raised his other hand and ran his fingers through her hair. It felt different than the way other men gave her hair a tug or teased her about being cute. His touch was different. It was coated with sexual pull and she felt it straight between her legs. She took a short, uneasy breath as she locked gazes with him. She saw something different. It was something dark, a hungry expression that instantly put her entire body on alert as well as her pussy. She felt it shimmer over her skin. Her breathing hitched, and she thought for a moment that he might try to kiss her. The panicky feeling increased. It flowed from where his dark eyes bore into hers and straight through every inch of her body. She began to shake, and sensing it, his expression changed. He gently pulled her ponytail closer to his nose and inhaled, but then seemed to recover from his intimate move and dropped it.

Stepping back, he released his hold and gave the distance she so badly needed but also regretted.

“And quit letting other guys yank that ponytail. It aggravates the crap out of Carl and me.”

She watched him as he headed toward the door. His shoulders were wide and muscular. She could see the definition, despite the dark dress shirt. His narrow waist, enhanced by the tailored dress pants and designer belt, made him appear sophisticated and sexy. Again, her body reacted in a way she thought she would never feel.

“Be safe, take a few minutes’ break. Remember that we’re watching you. Be smart, Juliet. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He opened the door and exited.

Juliet placed her hand over her belly. She could still feel his large hand against her hip and the way he ran his fingers gently through her hair and inhaled its scent. Carl and he always tugged gently on her hair. It was brotherly, fun, and they enjoyed teasing her, but for some odd reason, tonight it felt different. He had gently caressed her hair and then lifted it to smell the strands as if he had been waiting to do that. It was way different than what she felt when anyone else yanked her pony. He had caressed her hair, held her expression with deep, mysterious eyes, and she felt it to her core.

She couldn’t accept his attraction. She wouldn’t take a chance like that. Not when the man who took everything away from her ran free and was living the perfect life while she suffered in continuous torment.

Chapter 2

Robert Sinclair sat in front of his boss’s desk. For the past five years he had stood by and watched this man get away with some pretty bad stuff. Pierce Mellbrook was a conniver, a manipulator, and a shrewd businessman to the extent of murder as a final resort to get what he wanted. He was a modern-day business gangster, and Robert sat there agreeing with his latest venture. He was wealthy beyond belief and so was Robert.

Robert jotted down notes as his boss continued on his rampage about expanding his investments. He was a greedy son of a bitch. He was evil, and now, so was Robert. After working for Pierce and doing his dirty work, Robert was drawn into a life of murder, crime, and money. He was rich, too, and the laws didn’t apply to him. Robert wasn’t afraid to die, and he sure had no remorse in taking another human life when he was asked to. Yeah, it seemed money was the ultimate power.

“I want you to look into this new place, Dixie Chix, outside of Dallas in a town called Delite.”

Pierce picked up the magazine and a file that sat together on the desk.

“It has made the top-ten lists of numerous elite social magazines. The best atmosphere, the best dance floor, the best service, yadda, yadda, yadda. I want to know more about this place, and I want you to go scope it out and get me info on the owner.”

Pierce glanced down at the article again. “It states that it is a co-ownership, so you may need some help. Do it whichever way you want, but get the info to me pronto. The private jet is fueled and ready.”

The buzzer sounded on the desk, and Pierce cursed. He hit the button.

“I said no interruptions. What don’t you get about that?” he yelled at his secretary.

“I’m sorry, sir, but Felix is on the line. He said to tell you that someone is out of the hospital. He wasn’t specific.” He hit the button and cut off his secretary in midsentence. He turned to look out the window. A great view stood before them, and he sighed then turned to Robert.

Before the words left Pierce’s lips he was standing.

“She’s out of the hospital. Take care of it before you head to Delite.”

Robert nodded his head as he grabbed his papers. Shelly was a bitch. Her red hair was the only similarity to Juliana. His boss should just give up on finding Juliana and even trying to replace her. She was long gone and perhaps already dead because she was too naïve to survive on her own. Plus, with her good looks and great body, Juliana wouldn’t have lasted long on the streets with no money and no place to go. She was either hooking or six feet under.

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