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Carl watched as Juliet entered the room. She was wearing a royal-blue sweater and slim-fitting black pants. She looked gorgeous as usual. He licked his bottom lip as he inhaled the scent of her perfume while his eyes roamed over the swells of her large breasts. She was stunning, and the sweater brought out the blue in her eyes. She had her long red hair flowing down in curls around her shoulders and down her back.

She avoided eye contact completely, and Carl glanced at Richie, who was still staring at Juliet.

“Well, we’ve got plans for lunch, so I’ll see you all tonight,” Susanna said as Monte wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her out of the room while he whispered in her ear. Susanna giggled as she waved good-bye.

Carl saw Juliet watching them. She looked so sad and serious.

“I’ve got to go, too. I’ll see you tonight. It will be fun having you two on the floor keeping security tight,” Paula stated as she waved good-bye and squeezed Juliet’s shoulders.

“Hey, I’ll see you later.”

Juliet nodded her head.

“What is she talking about?” Juliet asked Ava instead of Carl and Richie, who still sat there at the island watching her.

“Oh, Carl and Richie are going to be working downstairs from now on. Monte thinks with the larger crowds and more strange faces coming around that we need better security.” Ava rose from her seat.

“I thought that was why Clyde walked the floor. He has an extensive military background.”

“So do we, honey.” Richie rose from his chair. He leaned against the island and stared at her.

“Well, I need to take care of a few things. I have some calls to make for this weekend’s events, and, Juliet, it looks like I’m going to need you taking care of the private tables only on Saturday night. The regular crew should be able to handle the main bar. I’ve got the whole section booked for a private group.”

“Oh, okay.” Juliet took a sip from the bottle of water she held. Ava waved good-bye and left Juliet alone with Carl and Richie.

“So, are you ready to go to lunch?” Richie asked, and Carl was surprised. He hadn’t had the chance to tell him what happened earlier.

“Lunch? No,” Juliet stated then began to walk out of the room. Richie touched her hand to stop her, and she paused. Carl watched as Juliet stiffened up until Richie wrapped his other arm around her waist and pressed his body against hers. He leaned down and whispered against her neck.

“Please come to lunch with us. I saw you looking at the refrigerator. I know you’re hungry.”

Her head rolled back against his shoulder, and then she abruptly pulled forward as if she hadn’t been consciously aware of her move.

“I can’t.”

“Sure you can. Everyone else left to do his or her own thing. Let us take you to lunch. We promise to have you back in time to get ready for work.” Carl walked toward her. His brother remained behind her, and now Carl stood in front of her. He reached out and touched her hair, letting the silky strands of red slide between his fingers.

“Come on. I’m not taking no for an answer.” Carl took her hand, and together they led her from the house.

* * * *

They sat at a small table toward the middle of the diner. Juliet was trying hard to stop her hands from shaking. At multiple points during the ride here and to the table, both Carl and Richie made a point of touching her, caressing her back or keeping a hand on her as they escorted her. It was unnerving, and she was exasperated at the attraction she felt to both men.

They stared at her now as she looked over the menu, deciding on a Cobb salad with grilled chicken over it.

They placed their orders, and the waitress smiled at Juliet as she took the menus from them.

“I have to compliment your hair, honey. It is absolutely gorgeous.”

Juliet smiled. “Thank you.”

“Sure thing. You’re adorable,” she added, and Juliet smiled. She had been called adorable for most of her life just because she was petite and had small features.

She felt Richie’s hand on her thigh. She tensed up and looked at him, holding his gaze as he leaned closer.

“You are beautiful, adorable I guess, too, but from where I’m sitting, I’d say sexy covers it.” He gave her thigh a squeeze then caressed it.

She reached down and touched his hand as he held her gaze. When she lifted her hand to remove it, he squinted at her, and she felt the intensity of that look he gave her.

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