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He and Adilan traded punches and kicks, pummelling each other until they were both completely exhausted, sweat and blood dripping.

At last, Nassir

could take no more. He leaned against the ropes for suppose. “I’m finished.”

“As am I, brother.” Adilan stumbled up beside him, holding his bruised side. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll have to marry Nehla.”

“No.” Adilan took an unsteady breath and grasped the ropes near Nassir. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not? What other choice do I have now? Unless you happen to have another bride hidden away that the board will approve of.”

“But Nehla is what Hazim wants,” Adilan panted.

“Hazim wants control of the company. I will never let that happen. Even it means marrying his mistress to keep our people safe and well-provided for.”

“I will pay good money to see the looks on their faces when you inform them of this development, brother.” Adilan leaned back on the ropes and winced. “My guess is they will not take the news well.”

Nassir shook his head and stepped out of the ring. With Janna gone, it mattered little who he married now. He’d learned his lesson well with his American bride and would never risk his heart again. From now on this marriage was a simple business contract.

Nothing more.

Hazim and Nehla and the rest of the world and their opinions be damned.

Chapter 15

With the day of the wedding fast approaching, Nassir couldn’t shake his gloomy outlook. Yes, his marriage would ensure the continuation of the much needed charity the people of Al-Sarid required, but the phone call to his gloating uncle to accept his offer of Nehla’s hand in marriage had all but gutted him.

Dark times were ahead, no doubt. A light had gone out of his world the day Janna left. She’d made him feel young again and he’d had hope in the future. That hope had evaporated the day she’d disappeared.

His new bride, Nehla, only inspired dread in his heart. The thought she’d been, and would continue to be, Hazim’s mistress even after their marriage made him queasy. But he’d make whatever sacrifices necessary to ensure his people thrived. It was his duty as Sheik. A duty he’d accepted as a young boy, and one he would continue to serve for the rest of his life, no matter the sacrifice. Even if that meant taking the mistress of his biggest rival as his wife.

To fail in his mission now would only serve as another sign of Nassir’s incompetence for his position to the board. Which meant they would elect Hazim as CEO of Adjalane Oil. Nassir was willing to be miserable for the rest of his life to prevent that outcome.

Someone tapped on the door and Nassir looked up to see Hafa, shuffling her feet, looking apologetic. “Yes, what it is?”

“Sheikh Nassir, there is a delivery here for Janna…”

“Send it away.”

“I can’t sir. The courier left it with me and it cannot be returned. What shall I do with it?”

“What is it?” He asked, then grew impatient. “Never mind, Hafa, just bring it in here and leave it. I’ll see to it.”

Hafa nodded and left, only to have his brother appear at the doorway shortly after her.

“Special delivery?” Adilan said, walking into Nassir’s office uninvited and making himself comfortable.

Nassir sent his brother an annoyed look. Did these people not realize he was busy? Busy wallowing in pity for himself, but still. “Whatever it is, I will get rid of it.”

“Aren’t you even the tiniest bit curious?”

Hafa and two other maids carried in a half dozen large boxes, all emblazoned with the logo of dress shop where Janna had purchased Nehla’s wedding kaftan. After bowing to Nassir, the women left.

Adilan took the liberty of opening the first box and then shook his head. “Janna had exquisite taste.”

Curiosity getting the better of him, Nassir came around the desk to look for himself. Inside was not the Nehla’s Arabic wedding caftan, as he’d excepted, but instead a gown fit for an American princess—an American princess. The delicate ivory fabric and elaborate beadwork would have perfectly framed Janna’s petite figure, making her look both elegant and sophisticated, yet young and innocent.

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