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The second box held the underskirts, made from white silk with lines of silver running through the fabric. They shimmered in the box, like frothy angel’s wings. Once more, confusion and anger swamped him. It made no sense. Janna must have gone back to the shop after accepting his proposal and changed her order. But why would a woman with second-thoughts about losing her independence to her fiancé do such a thing?

Adilan fished the receipt out of the first box. “Says here that she ordered these two days ago. Seems odd she would order such magnificent gowns if she had no intention of going through with the marriage?”

“Exactly.” Nassir cursed. “None of this makes any sense. Yesterday morning, she was fine. Happy and excited to see all of her plans come together.”

“Nassir, brother,” Adilan said, his expression turning serious. “You do not need to make this sacrifice.”

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you do not. Marrying Nehla would be a mistake for both of you. There has to be another way. You and Janna were happy together. I witnessed this with my own eyes. In fact, you’ve never looked happier than you did with her. I refuse to believe this sham of a marriage to Hazim’s mistress is your only solution.”

“I have no choice, Adilan. If I am not married by tomorrow evening, the board will choose someone to replace me. There is no one but Nehla available now.”

“There has to be another way. Maybe father…”

“Father has made his decision. He will not change it now.”

“Perhaps you misinterpreted Janna’s note.”

Nassir gave his brother a flat look. “I am desperate, not stupid. Besides, you saw it. The note clearly stated she will never return.”

“Did you even try to find her? To talk to her?”

“What would be the point, brother?” His voice broke with emotion and he slumped back in his seat. “She left me of her own free will. I could not marry her now, knowing she didn’t want to be here with me. Knowing that I trapped her into a marriage she did not want. A month ago I may have, but not now.”

“Let me look at the note again. Where is it?”

Nassir made a vague gesture toward the far wall. “I tossed it somewhere over there. I’m sure the maids have probably thrown it away. What does it matter?”

Adilan strode over to the area and began searching around the furniture. “Maybe there was something we missed that could help explain this idiocy.”

“I doubt it. As far as I’m concerned, this is over.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not.” Adilan stood and hollered for the maid again.

“Sir?” Hafa said as she entered Nassir’s office once more.

“There was a note here yesterday, crumpled and on the floor. Do you remembering seeing such a note?”

Hafa shook her head. “None of the second floor rooms have been cleaned yet today, sir.”

“Good.” Adilan glanced from Hafa to Nassir then back again. “We are looking for a white piece of paper. Will you let the rest of the staff know to be on the lookout?”

“Yes, sir.” Hafa bowed then left and Adilan resumed his search behind the sofa. A moment later, he held up a crumpled piece of paper. “I believe this is it.”

He smoothed the paper out and handed it to Nassir.

The words he never wanted to see again glared up at him from the page. Except now that he really looked at them, it didn’t appear to be Janna’s usually smooth script. No. These words had been clumsily scrawled across the page in black ink, not Janna’s standard pink. And the little hearts dotting the “I’s” were missing too. Nassir scowled. Perhaps his brother was right. Perhaps there was more to this story.

“What is it?” Adilan asked.

“I do not believe this was written by Janna.” For confirmation, he pulled out his original contract for the wedding planner services, then beckoned Adilan closer. “Tell me, do these look like they were written by the same pers


“No.” Adilan squinted at both examples. “The note looks sloppy and more masculine.”

The brothers looked at each other and Nassir’s spirits rallied for the first time since Janna had gone. He called for Hafa once more. “Have you noticed any strange behaviour from the household staff in the last twenty-four hours?”

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