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Hazim mumbled something in what she assumed was his native language as he dragged her back onto the bed, then rolled her onto her stomach and pressed his knee into her lower back to hold her in place. The last thing she remembered was the smell of the cloth he pressed to her face—sickly sweet and nauseating and…

Chapter 14

Nassir returned to the palace around six that evening and headed upstairs. His mind had been occupied with nothing but thoughts of her all day, a novelty. Usually his mind was crowded with facts and figures and the business of running his company, but not now. His focus was solely on his bride-to-be. He and Janna had planned to practice their waltz once more before dinner. He stopped outside her bedroom door and knocked, but there was no answer.

Thinking she might be in the bathroom, he opened the door and peeked inside.


“Janna?” he called, to be sure. “Are you ready?”


He headed back downstairs and out to the garden, thinking maybe her planning duties for the day had taken longer than she’d anticipated. Outside, he discovered Adilan sitting on the veranda. “Have you seen Janna?”

“No.” His brother frowned. “Is she not in her room?”

“I looked there first.” Nassir spied Hafa helping some of the other maids carry boxes of lights out of the palace. He caught up to them and pulled the maid aside. “Have you seen my bride?”

“No, Sheikh Nassir. She returned from her errands several hours ago and went to her room after checking things down here in the gardens.”

“Did she seem upset or ill?”

Hafa shook her head. “No.”

Perplexed, Nassir headed for the stairs once more, thinking she must be wandering the halls or something. He knew she got bored waiting for him to return and she had a penchant for snooping.

Adilan joined him and together they reached the second floor landing. This time, Nassir didn’t bother to knock on Janna’s door, instead pushing inside and striding into her suite then over to the closet. All of her clothes had been removed. Next he checked the bathroom. All personal items gone from there as well. His stomach nosedived to his toes. “She’s gone.”

“What? No.” Adilan pulled open several empty dresser drawers. “Perhaps she moved into your rooms already.”

“Perhaps.” Nassir walked to the end of the hallway and into his own chambers, but found nothing except an empty bed and no sign of Janna. “Where is she?”

Adilan trailed into the room and picked up a piece of paper off Nassir’s nightstand. “Is this from her?”

Nassir took grabbed the paper his brother handed him and stared at the words written, not comprehending what he saw. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, read it again as a fresh wave of pain washed over him.


Marrying you and living in Al-Sarid is not what I want. Please do not look for me. Nothing will convince me to return The plans for your wedding are complete and I hope you and Nehla will be very happy together.


Nassir crumpled the note in his hand and headed for his office, Adilan following closely behind. “She’s changed her mind.”

“Surely not?” Adilan scoffed. “You two are in love. We will find her, brother, talk to her. Straighten this mess out.”

“I should have known it was too good to be true.” His heart ached and his chest constricted with anger and hurt. Even breathing was agony. Angry, he wadded the note into a ball and tossed it across his office. “Forget it and forget her. I am going to the gym.”

Adilan headed for the stairs, sticking to his side like glue, “You will need a boxing partner, but I’m warning you now, if you take any cheap shots, I’ll put you down. Broken heart or not.”

“Broken heart?” Nassir sneered. “I fear I no longer have a heart to break, brother. If you are so scared of my fury, perhaps I should find a braver sparring partner tonight.”

“I can handle you and your poor attitude with one hand tied behind my back.”

“We shall see.”

The pair arrived at the gym fifteen minutes later, and within another ten minutes they were padded up in the ring, circling each other as Nassir battled his anger and disbelief. This morning his plans had been in place and everything had been right. Now, he had no bride and no chance to save his job. All because he’d made the mistake of falling in love.

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