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“Shush, a few more kisses and then we will stop. For now.” Talib took her mouth again, this time not asking, nor gingerly feeling his way. His kiss was voracious, a meeting of teeth and tongues as he mimicked what he wanted to do to other parts of her body. He consumed her, exploring the inside of her mouth, leaving no surface untouched.

PJ couldn’t remember having ever been this turned on by a kiss! She couldn’t breathe, but that thought didn’t seem to worry her. She kissed him back, mimicking his actions, so caught up in the moment she totally forgot where they were.

When she attempted to turn around so that she could press her chest completely against his own, she felt her world tip sideways, just before Talib’s hands settled on her waist, holding her in place on his lap. “PJ?” he murmured to her, kissing his way down her neck once more before lifting his head to meet her eyes.

“PJ?” Talib watched her eyelids flutter before they opened to meet his. They had darkened with her desire, and were only partially opened: as was her mouth as she struggled to gain control of her erratic breathing. “We have to stop.”

PJ looked at the smoldering passion in Talib’s eyes, and then remembered where they were and what they were about. Closing her eyes, she mentally counted to ten, controlling her breathing and settling her raging desires to a slow simmer. Time enough to continue this later!

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Talib had managed to gain control of himself as well, “That wasn’t very smart, was it?”

Talib touched her nose before answering, “The chemistry between us doesn’t care about smart, it only wants to be explored. After this mission is through, I want you to spend some time with me.”

“To finish what we started?” she asked, wondering if that was all they had going for them.

“Yes. But I also want to learn more about you. Start by telling me what your initials stand for.”

PJ shook her head, “You never give up, do you?”

“No. I really do want to know. I want to learn everything there is to know about you.” Talib had listened as she told him about her upbringing, about losing her parents her first year of college when they were struck by a drunk driver. Then losing her brother a few years later to the insurgents in Iraq during America’s war on terror.

Talib had been amazed at how resilient and strong she was, hating the fact that she had suffered so much, but proud of the way she had come out on the other side of her troubles, stronger and more determined than ever to keep fighting for her future.

Talib had exchanged childhood stories with her, and surprisingly, had found that he and this young American had many things in common. They were both adrenaline junkies, had a love of anything and everything sweet, and protecting those around them had become their lives.

Talib had finally found someone who understood his motivations to protect the royal family. Their backgrounds were vastly different, yet what they wanted for their futures was so similar, he was starting to think that

PJ was tailor made for him.

Chapter 11

Turning back around to face front, PJ looked at the moonlit landscape, wanting this mission to move ahead quickly and without further incident. The comradery she felt with Talib was unusual and she hadn’t even attempted to disguise her true self as they had talked about their lives.

Talib was an honorable man with strong convictions, a high moral standard, and a desire to make those around him feel safe and free to live their lives. She had only known him less than a day, but already she could tell that his emotions ran deep and he was man enough to acknowledge them. Add in the fact that physically he turned her on like no one else before him, and PJ couldn’t wait to explore the chemistry and budding relationship between them further.

She was slated to be in the country for a minimum of two months, and after this, she could foresee the Sheikh wanting twenty-four seven surveillance of his wife indefinitely. PJ would gladly sign on for that task, especially if it provided her more time to explore the gorgeous man sitting behind her.

She heard the crackle of the com unit just before Brett’s voice came over the line, “Are you listening?”

Talib responded, “Yes. What’s up?”

“You are approaching the target’s location.”

“How close are we?” Talib asked, bringing the camel to a stop.

“Less than half a mile. They will have to come right past you in the morning to gain access to the mountains. We think you should stop for the night and make camp.”

Talib thought about this before responding, “Roger. We’ll do that. Any word from the palace?”

“We spoke with the Sheikh less than an hour ago. No one is getting much sleep tonight. The leadership of Sumari has taken everyone into custody that sides with the extremists. None of them appear to be aware of what our young friend is up to. The senior leaders believe he is acting on his own out of revenge for his father’s death. And at the prompting of his mother.”

“His mother? Where does she come into this?”

“According to the information they obtained, she is as radical as they come and a little crazy on top of it. They suspect she is amongst the refugees, and helped him take Miss Malone captive.”

Talib wanted to find her and make her pay for bringing this situation to life, but the refugee camp was many miles away. “Send the palace guard to the camp at first light. Do they have a picture of her?”

“Yeah. She shouldn’t be hard to spot. She was burned in a fire several years ago and most of her face is covered by scar tissue.”

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