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“Find her and have them escort her back to the palace prison. She can rot there until we capture her son.”

PJ interrupted at this point, “Brett, if the guy’s working on his own, what are the chances that he has help waiting for him in the caves?”

“From what we can tell, the caves are empty. The nomads aren’t even there right now. We’ve been monitoring any movement in your direction, which was fairly easy since there wasn’t any.”

“So, he’s working alone, his mother’s crazy, and this is more about revenge than religion?” PJ tried to sum up the situation.

“You’re partially correct, however, religion is often used to disguise and justify irrational thinking. When he realizes he’s on his own in this endeavor, he may attempt to take both of their lives to prove a point.”

“What point? That he’s completely insane?” Carlos’s heavy Spanish voice came across the wire.

“That would make a point alright.” Talib was silent for a moment and then continued, “Can you spare two men?”

“Already ahead of you there. Brock and Tim headed out half an hour ago. They are going to flank your position, and once our target starts moving again, they’ll be no more than a football field away from you at all times. It’s not ideal, but there’s a serious lack of cover where you are.”

Talib smiled, “What, don’t your boys know how to become one with the sand?”

“Become lunch for every critter crawling around in your desert? No thanks. I spent time in Iraq and I have firsthand experience with the wind scorpions that love this arid climate.”

“Ah, you didn’t respect their territory and got bit?” Talib inquired, having experienced the burning bite himself once when he was a young boy. The wind scorpions were more closely related to the spider family, but looked more like a scorpion, minus the curling stinger on their tail. Their strong pinchers and jaws packed a punch, and their ability to sting their victims was much worse than that of a bee or wasp.

“Respect had nothing to do with it. I got stung or bit, whatever they do, and didn’t realize I was allergic to their venom. If my buddy hadn’t been our medic, I would have died right there. My throat swelled up along with my hand where it got me, and they had to evacuate me out of there. I spent three days in the hospital recovering.”

“An unfortunate experience for you. Your plan will be sufficient. We have the element of surprise on our side.”

“It’s more than sufficient. Did I forget to mention that Slade’s coming in from behind the target?”

“Slade’s in Jawhara?” PJ asked.

“Yeah. I spoke to him a few minutes before I contacted you all. He only brought Blaine with him, but that should give us a little edge. They’re heading out in a few hours by vehicle. They should be in position by the time the sun comes up.”

“Great! We will stop and make camp now. Keep this com unit open once you see movement.”

“Will do. PJ, you hanging in their kid?”

“I’m fine, father. Stop worrying about me.”

“No can do. And stop calling me your father. Slade would have all of our heads if something happened to you out here.”

“Slade trusts me to take care of myself.”

“My concern has nothing to do with not trusting you. You shoot better than I do and you know it.”

PJ chuckled, “Yeah, and don’t you forget it.”

“As if you’d let me. Make camp and maybe you can grab a few hours’ sleep.”

“Sounds good. Talk to you in the morning.” PJ heard the com unit go silent, turning to see Talib watching her with an undiscernible look in his eyes. “What?”

“Your team members care for you.”

“Yeah, well it’s mutual. I told you we’re all kind of like one big dysfunctional family. We watch each other’s backs, and help each other out whenever possible with the normal parts of our lives. Did you know that Carlos has six kids back home?”

“What?! Why is he here then?” Talib questioned the man’s sanity.

“It’s what he does. He married his childhood sweetheart and then enlisted because he couldn’t find a good paying job. Uncle Sam promised to educate him and train him ‘to be the best that he could be’ and he bought in.

“He did ten years in the service before Slade enticed him out. Now, he goes on these short missions, keeps in contact with his wife almost every night, and gets to see his kids grow up. He’s completely happy with his life.”

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