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Erin dressed in the most casual pair of pants she could find and a lightweight top. Donning a pair of flat sandals, she left her room. Heading towards what she hoped was the stairway; she was surprised to find herself virtually alone in this part of the palace. She remembered glimpses of a grand staircase, which led directly outside and was anxious to explore the new country she was to live in.

She located the stairway and passed several maids as she headed towards the front doors. Nodding and smiling at them, she said a soft “Hello” as she passed, but they only smiled at her and continued working. She briefly looked around for Talib, but when she didn’t locate him, she wandered down the cobblestone driveway.

She could see the town located at the bottom of the hill and was anxious to see the people who put their trust and faith in Kam. She drew many a stare as she walked amongst the buildings. Most people stopped whatever they were doing and watched her approach them. As she would go past them, she noticed that they would bow to her. Was this how the people of Jawhara greeted one another?

Deciding that she would return the bow to the very next person she met, she turned the corner and stopped to stare. The city streets were filled with vendors, selling everything from local produce and meat, to clothing, baskets, and other items. The vibrant colors and exotic smells enticed her to wander down the street.

She continued to draw the stares of the people, but was so caught up in taking in everything she was oblivious to the fact that a small group of children had begun to follow her. When she reached the end of the street, she turned to look back and was stunned to find a group of children, ranging in age from five to twelve, standing right behind her.

They all started talking to her at once when she turned and she found herself laughing as she tried to tell them she couldn’t understand what they were saying. When the littlest girl gestured to her, she bent her knees, wondering what the little gir

l wanted. She found out soon enough when a small hand reached up to touch her hair. The other children grew silent and watched in awe as the little girl fingered a red curl. Erin smiled at her and then at the other children. Evidently, her hair coloring was unique and the children had been curious about her.

Hearing her name called, she looked at the top of the street to see Talib striding towards her in a hurry. The townspeople moved out of his way quickly and the children, seeing his approach, scurried away like mice.

“Hello, Talib,” Erin said with a smile.

“Come. You should not be here.”

“Why not?” Erin queried, bending her head to the side.

“You must not leave the palace.”

Erin stood up straight and narrowed her eyes at him, “I didn’t realize that I was a prisoner.”

“You are not a prisoner. You must not leave the palace without an escort. It is not safe.”

Erin looked around at the townspeople who were trying not to watch her interaction with the bodyguard. “I don’t think any of these people would harm me.”

“Come,” Talib said, taking her arm above the elbow and propelling her back to the top of the street. The limo awaited her and he quickly ushered her inside, saying nothing.

The ride back to the palace was accomplished quickly and silently. Erin felt her anger rising the closer they came to the palace and she pressed her lips together in an effort to stop the tirade that was threatening to spew forth. It wasn’t Talib who needed to hear her anger. It was Kamal!

Talib ushered her from the vehicle with a stern warning, “Do not leave the palace grounds again without me.” After issuing that dictate, he turned on his heel and disappeared, leaving her standing in front of the palace steps.

Erin re-entered the palace and made her way back to her room. A meal was brought to her only moments later and she picked at her food, still trying to understand why Kam had basically made her a prisoner of his palace.

After her lunch and a nap, she wandered throughout the palace once again. Coming to a staircase that went up, she climbed it, going up until she reached a parapet that looked out over the entire city. The sun was beginning to go down, and she was amazed to see that beyond the city walls, there was nothing but a vast desert.

When she turned to the other direction, she could just make out what appeared to be white peaks sticking up along the sand. She heard the door to the rooftop open and looked over her shoulder to see Talib standing there. Pointing in the direction she had been looking, she asked him, “What is over there?”

Talib joined her, “A refugee camp.”

“Refugees? From where?” Erin’s curiosity was piqued.

“From the neighboring country. Civil war broke out several weeks ago and many of the citizens fled into Jawhara. The Sheik is trying to negotiate their safe return now that the new government had won the war and the people are becoming more settled.”

“Is that where Kamal is now?”

“You should not refer to him in such a familiar way,” Talib corrected her with a frown.

“He said it was okay unless we were in public. So, is that where he is?”

Talib looked at her before answering, “He is meeting with the new government. Hopefully, when he returns, the people will be free to return to their homes.”

Erin looked at the tops of the tents in the distance, “How far away are they?”

“Five miles or so.”

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