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Chapter 14

Erin slept through the night and well into the next day. Several times, she was awakened by the palace staff, urging her to eat or take her vitamins. The physician had requested a special diet for her, which seemed to be helping with the nausea. It wasn’t completely gone, but was definitely improved.

After showering and donning the plush robe she found hanging on the back of the bathroom door, she exited and started looking around for her clothing. She had left them in a pile on the bathroom floor, but now they were missing. Had the palace staff taken them to launder them?

Picking up the phone, she asked that Kam be found. Since he hadn’t given her time to pack her own clothing, he would just have to provide her with something to wear until she could go shopping.

When the phone rang a few minutes later, she picked it up, “Hello?”

“Erin, you are feeling better?”

Choosing not to answer him, she asked a question of her own, “Kam, where are my clothes?”

“I would assume the clothing you were wearing when you arrived has been taken to the laundry rooms. Is there a problem?”

Erin huffed, “You could say that. I wasn’t given a chance to pack, or did you forget that fact?”

Not liking her sarcastic tone of voice, he cautioned her, “Remember to whom you are speaking. Of course, I remember that you did not have time to pack. I still don’t see a problem.”

Remember to whom she was speaking? Was he serious? “Kam, what am I supposed to wear?”

“Look in the wardrobe, Erin. You will find a selection of clothing appropriate for our humid climate. If you require anything else, please let your attendants know. They will contact the seamstress and have it delivered.”

Erin walked over to the wardrobe and stared at the gorgeous clothing hung up neatly. Everything seemed to have been provided, from business attire to formal wear. Pulling open the drawers, she saw a vast array of silk underwear and sleeping gowns. Shoes lined the racks on the opposite side and appeared to match the outfits hanging up.

She looked through the clothing trying to find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or more casual clothing and found nothing of the sort. Sighing, she returned to the phone, “Kam, the clothing looks very nice, but I’m really more comfortable in jeans and t-shirts. I don’t think I will require the formal clothing….”

“As my future wife,” he interrupted her statement, “you will be expected to dress the part of a ruler. Jeans and t-shirts may have been appropriate back in America, but here you must dress the part.”

Erin tried to digest this new information, “Can’t I even wear jeans when I’m not going anywhere?”

“No. Remember, the palace staff will see you at all times. Their opinion of you will travel throughout the country. That is why you must always address me with respect. I don’t care if you use Kam, however, whenever we are in public, you will use my formal title.”

Erin could tell that living in Jawhara was going to take a lot of getting used to. Getting used to being under Kamal’s need to control her was going to be almost impossible.

“Erin? Do not worry so much. Everything will be fine. I must leave for a few days, however, Talib will be available should you need anything. I will also have a tutor chosen for you. It is imperative that you learn our language as quickly as possible. Very few of the palace staff speak English.”

Erin tried not to be alarmed that Kam was leaving her alone in his palace, where the people didn’t even speak her language, but couldn’t stop the shiver of apprehension that his words triggered. “When will you be back?”

“Will you miss me, habibti?” Kamal inquired, pleased at the wistful note he heard in her voice.

“Not hardly. I just wanted to know how long you were going to be gone,” Erin said. With Kamal out of the palace for several days, maybe she would be able to find her own space and gain her confidence back.

Kamal laughed, “I will be back before you know it. Rest, eat and get over your jet lag. When I return I will introduce you to my countrymen and we will work on getting to know each other before our wedding.”

“Kam, I already told you there’s not going to be….”

“Enough. Maybe you should also spend the next few days coming to grips with the fact that you are carrying the next ruler of Jawhara. You will be my bride.” Kamal knew he was pushing her, but the sooner she accepted her place in his life, the better.

Erin shut her mouth, determined not to respond and upset either of them further. She had no intention of being forced to marry Kam, but there would be plenty of time once he returned to make her point. “Goodbye Kamal. Have a safe trip.”

Kamal heard her disconnect the line and sat there for several moments. What he wanted to do was return to his chambers and make sure his woman not only knew her place in his life, but in his bed. His body had been reluctant to accept the fact that it would have to wait to acquaint itself once again with her delectable body.

He had intended to spend the afternoon with Erin, getting to know her better, and making sure that the chemistry between them was fanned into an ever present need she could no longer deny. Unfortunately, the growing refugee situation in the north had escalated to a point where his country’s infrastructure was being threatened. The new government of the neighboring country was willing to meet and discuss the safe return of its citizens. Kamal knew that his needs must come second to his country’s, but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it.

Three days would see the end to the civil war refugee situation and then he could concentrate fully no his future bride.

Chapter 15

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