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“Your Majesty, she is asleep. She has dark circles beneath her eyes and fell asleep immediately upon settling into the seat.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I was not able to question her before she fell asleep.”

Kamal thought about this for a minute before asking, “Did she have any paperwork with her when she exited the building?”

Talib glanced at her bag, which was sitting on the floor at her feet. It was opened and he spied several pieces of paper that bore the same logo as the sign outside the doctor’s office. Retrieving them, he replied, “Yes, Sir. I have them in my hands right now.”

“What do they say?” Kamal demanded. His woman was ill and had sought to keep the knowledge from him.

“They appear to be prescriptions. One is for prenatal vitamins and the other is for a gum?”

Kamal was stunned and speechless, “Talib, be very careful how you answer the next question. Did you say that she has a prescription for prenatal vitamins?”

“Yes, Sir. The writing is very plain on this sheet.”

“I will call you back.” Kamal hung up and stared at the wall opposite his desk in the palace office. His woman was pregnant with his child. He had no doubt as to the father’s identity. Erin had spent no time with other men since his departure. It was also evident that the pregnancy was making her ill. Coming to a decision, he called Talib back.

“Go directly to the airport. Khalil arrived earlier this morning to take care of some last minute details with the marketing team. I will let the pilot know that you are coming. Bring her to me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. “ Talib gave the directions to the driver and then sat back. He decided to enjoy the peace and quiet while he could. If experience had taught him anything, it was that the woman sleeping across from him was not going to be happy to find herself on a jet heading to Jawhara when she awoke.

Chapter 12

Erin felt herself being picked up, but her exhaustion had finally reached a break point and she couldn’t muster enough energy to open her eyes. When she heard Talib murmur to her she relaxed back into his hold, hoping that he would simply lay her on her couch and then leave. She would deal with Kam in the morning.

She briefly awakened when she felt her shoes being removed, but then she was laid down upon a soft mattress and she rolled over and went back to sleep.

Talib took his own seat in the plane and placed the call to Kam, “We are on our way. We will be there tomorrow.”

“I will have the palace physician waiting for her when you arrive. Bring her directly to the palace when you arrive.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Talib relaxed back, anxious to return to his homeland, and hoping that the beautiful young woman sleeping in the bed would find Jawhara just as attractive. She was going to be his Sheikha, and it would not do for the country’s ruler to have a bride who detested where she was forced to live.

Talib had just closed his eyes, when he heard the bedroom door open and saw Erin stumble from the room.

Erin had awakened, needing a drink of water, but upon seeing her surroundings knew that something was not right. When she saw Talib calmly sitting in the plush chair, she glanced around at her surroundings and immediately knew that she was in an airplane. “Where are you taking me?”

“To Jawhara. To the Sheik.”

Erin let those words sink in before asking, “So, he knows?”

“That you are carrying the next ruler of Jawhara? Yes.”

Erin nodded and took another chair across from him. “What was his response?”

“This,” Talib gestured to the plane, “is his response.”

Erin nodded, not really surprised. Kam was highhanded and expected everyone to do what he commanded them. She had no doubt that if she had spoken with him on the phone and told him the doctor’s findings, he would have demanded her presence in Jawhara. Seeing that there was nothing that could be done at this time, to prevent her arrival in Jawhara and the upcoming confrontation with Kam, she decided to enjoy the trip.

“Well, I look forward to seeing my cousin again.”

Talib shook his head, “I’m afraid that will not be possible.”

“What?! Why?” Erin was alarmed, and afraid that something had happened to Shira. She desperately needed her council about now. With her parents still on their world-tour, she had no one else to depend on.

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