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“She returned to the states with Khalil earlier today. That is why the jet was available so quickly.”

“Shira’s home? But I thought…”

“I’m sure the Sheik will be happy to explain everything once we arrive. Allow me to call for something to eat.”

While Talib arranged for a tray to be brought to her, Erin tried to focus her thoughts on the direction her life was currently headed. She was having the ruler of Jawhara’s child and she couldn’t see the dominating man she was coming to know as the Sheik allowing her to raise his child in

another country.

Talib set the tray in front of her with the instructions, “Eat. Then you should try to sleep. This is a seventeen-hour flight. It will be nighttime when we arrive in Jawhara. You will have lost a day by the time we arrive.”

Erin nodded, tasting the soup he had set in front of her. Waiting for her stomach to rebel, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the soup seemed to agree with her tender stomach. She finished the soup in silence, too lost in her thoughts to engage in mindless chatter.

Talib removed the tray and then gestured for her to return to the bedroom, “Please, sleep. Whatever is bothering you will look better once you have rested. His Majesty wishes you to rest, for both you and the child.”

At the reminder of the innocent life, she was now responsible for, Erin nodded and returned to the bedroom. She expected to have a hard time falling asleep, but her body’s need for rest overtook her busy mind and sleep consumed her immediately.

She was awakened as the plane began its descent, having slept the entire flight. Sitting up, she mentally commanded the nausea that once again made its presence known to go away. Putting her shoes on, she exited the room, carefully.

Talib saw her and immediately ushered her into a chair and fastened her seatbelt. “We are preparing to land, now. Are you feeling any better?”

Erin shook her head, “Not really.” She swallowed convulsively, trying to keep the nausea at bay.

Talib looked at her and hoped that she would be able to hold off becoming sick until after they had landed.

Erin closed her eyes, only to open them again right away. The movement of the plane only seemed to make the nausea worse, and closing her eyes doubled the sensation. Taking shallow breaths, she counted slowly in her head until she felt the tires of the jet touch down on the tarmac. Breathing out slowly, she was thankful when the plane came to a stop and Talib stood from his seat. “Come. The Sheikh waits.”

“Great,” Erin muttered under her breath. Standing up from her seat, she stopped to allow the nausea to even out. She could already see that this trip was going to be dictated by the unborn child she carried and her unruly body.

Following Talib to the awaiting limo, she tried to calm her racing heart and take in the scenery, but the nausea she was feeling was getting worse. “Talib…”

“We will be at the palace momentarily.”

Erin nodded, hoping she could hold on until she found a bathroom. It wouldn’t do to embarrass herself in front of the Sheik by throwing up all over his palace floor.

“Here we are. “

Talib opened the door of the limo, reaching back inside to pull her from the car. The humidity and overwhelming fragrances on the air caused her to cover her mouth with her hands. She wasn’t going to make it, she needed a bathroom. Now!

Talib wasn’t paying attention to her as much as he was looking for his Sheik to arrive. When Erin pulled her arm from his hold and rushed towards the nearest bushes, he cursed himself for failing in his duty to see to her safety. She was sick, tired, and nervous.

Seeing Kamal arrive, he stepped away from the young woman, currently being sick into the bushes, as the ruler of Jawhara started issuing demands to the waiting staff.

Kamal waited until Erin had finished being sick before picking her up and carrying her up the palace steps. Calling once again for the doctor to attend him in his chambers, he climbed the grand staircase with his precious bundle cradled against his chest.

Erin opened her eyes, mortified to find that Kamal was indeed carrying her into his palace. Looking at his expression, she cringed at the look of fury on his face as he continued to bark orders at those he passed. Closing her eyes, she tried to keep her tears at bay, only to feel them sliding down her cheeks and wetting the hair at her temples.

Chapter 13

Kamal saw the tears leaking from beneath her closed eyes and pulled her closer to himself, “Habibti, please do not cry. The doctor is on his way. Whatever is wrong, he will help. I promise.”

Erin tried to shake her head, to explain that she wasn’t crying because she felt ill. It was everything else – the loneliness, the unplanned pregnancy, the confusion she felt at being so near to him once again. It was all too much for her body and mind to handle and as the darkness invaded her bleary vision, she gave into it, passing into oblivion.

Kamal felt her body go lax and looked down at the beautiful woman he carried in his arms. Having her so near again was causing his body to harden in ways that were inappropriate given how sick she appeared to be. Mentally chastising himself for his body’s response to her nearness, he hurried his steps towards his chambers. Her breathing was slow and even, but it appeared that she had blacked out. Something was definitely not right.

As he entered his chambers he was pleased to see the palace physician already in attendance. Erin stirred as he laid her upon his bed and he bent to remove her shoes.


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