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"I'm going after it. And I'm going to get it," Sam said with certainty as he rose from the bed. "This is what I've been working toward. I thought the onboarding project set me back, but this must be William's way of letting me know he's forgiven me for losing that client. He knows how badly I want out of L.A."

"I didn't know you were considering leaving the country, Sam," she said.

"It's better than I could have imagined." Sam closed the balcony doors and drew the curtain to block out the natural light. The room plunged into claustrophobic darkness as he crossed to the desk and yanked the lamp on. "Can you believe it? Europe, Trinity! No way I'm not jumping on this."

Trinity watched forlornly as Sam reopened his laptop and immersed himself in studying William's e-mail. Her heart clenched in an agony she couldn't express out loud. She had just been about to tell him that she loved him. The words had been right there.

And now Sam was a million miles away from her, and about to be what felt like a million more. Did he even see her sitting across from him now, screaming at him silently to look at her? How could he make her feel so big one moment, and as insignificant as a grain of sand caught between coasts the next?

No. She needed to give Sam a chance. He deserved to revel in his excitement over the opportunity. Hell, she was proud of him. Really. No one else at the agency worked as hard as Sam did.

She just needed time to process this latest turn.

Trinity rose and padded into the bathroom. As she closed the door, she heard Sam muttering to himself,“This is our ticket. It's finally arrived."

Chapter Ten


"It was an excellent meeting, and everything's pretty much in place. Next time I call you it will probably be from Europe."

Sam could barely contain his enthusiasm as he breezed through the hotel lobby. For once, the California sun felt as if it radiated from within him, rather than through the lobby's enormous windows.

"I'm glad it went so well." William's voice came across the Bluetooth in his ear. He was keeping the usual careful check on his approval, but Sam was too elated to feel as if he required it to enjoy the moment. "You guys have been out there for almost a week now, but it sounds like things are moving fast. Was Trinity at the final meeting?"

"No." Sam punched the number in for their room and watched the numbers count down the floors. "It was just between me and the director. I might lose you in a minute, William, I'm about to get in the elevator."

"Understood. What did the director say about your condition?"

"That Trinity come with me?" The doors slid open and Sam stepped inside. "He said there isn't a position for her in the office, but I told him that wasn't a problem. I'll find something for her. The Europe office only stands to benefit from having her there."

"What did Trinity say?"

His floor dinged, and the elevator doors retreated. Sam stepped out into the hall, heart hammering like he had just run all the way up the stairs to deliver the news. "I haven't told her yet. I'm about to."

"Good luck with that." There was a note of something in William's voice that Sam couldn't read, but he chalked it up to the fuzzed reception. "And don't forget I need you back in New York this week to finish up the onboarding."

"I haven't forgotten." Sam swiped his key and pushed the room door open. "See you soon."

He pulled his Bluetooth off his ear and tossed it down onto the bed. He spied Trinity out on the balcony; she turned as the door closed. She looked as radiant on the outside as Sam felt, and for a moment he hung back just to take her in.

Three strides carried him across the room, and he stepped out into the balcony to join her. She opened her mouth to speak, and he swooped in before she could ask the question; he caught her face between his hands and delivered the news with a kiss.

"It went well." She almost sounded in disbelief as he drew back.

"More than well." Sam couldn't resist pulling her into his arms. He wanted to make love to her right there on the balcony in that moment, but he knew he had to get the details off his chest first before he could convince Trinity to get on. "I've accepted the job in Europe. I'm going to lead their expansion project. And you've got to start packing." He grinned. "I figured we could fly back to New York together tomorrow. I'll see about finishing up with Eddie while you get any affairs in order. It's happening, Trinity. This is happening."

He wondered what she would think about his newfound ability to improvise. He was finally becoming the man she wanted; best of all, he found he was actually starting to enjoy the change. Europe would be a new adventure for them both, but he had no doubt it would enable them to pick up exactly where they left off before the divorce.

"And what would my position be?" Trinity asked.

"Whatever we want to make it." He brushed a lock of dark blonde hair behind her ear and planted a tender kiss on the jut of her cheekbone.

"Sam. I also went to a meeting today," she said.

"Great!" He whirled away and crossed to the little kitchen. He pulled open the liquor cabinet and studied its lacking contents quizzically. He had almost forgotten they weren't at home. "I'm sure they told you what I already told them," he called over his shoulder. "We're a package deal when it comes to the Europe project. You should consider anything they said nothing less than a green light. Come on, we'll go down to the bar to celebrate...before I bring you back up here to really celebrate."

"They offered me the expansion project in L.A.," Trinity said. "And I decided to accept it."

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