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"How come you never swore this much before?" Sam groaned. "I had no idea you were so dirty, Trinity."

"Because maybe...I thought wouldn't appreciate the filthy things I had to say!" Trinity ground out. She clenched her teeth so hard to hold back her shouts that her ears rang with the effort. The window to the balcony was thrown wide open; even though her room was facing the window, she didn't trust that their privacy was complete enough to risk giving herself over completely.

Then again, she might not have a choice in the matter. As Sam picked up the pace, bucking into her and forcing her leg even higher, she felt electric currents of bliss racing to the furthest corners of her quivering body. She couldn't remember ever feeling so divorced from her mind, so completely physical—no matter how hard they had railed in the past, work obligations never seemed far enough away from the bedroom. Now, Sam fucked her so soundly she could barely remember which coast she was on.

"I'm going to cum!" she moaned. "I can feel it. Sam…"

"I'm not done with you yet." His hand slid down her thigh, and she sighed with disappointment when he pulled it back. In the next moment, he delivered a light and unexpected swat to her rear. Trinity arched harder with a cry, and he took advantage of her position to maneuver her fully onto her stomach. One arm slid beneath her, tightening over her breasts and propping her up slightly above the mattress. His other hand clenched hard over her ass; he filled his palm with her, lifting and separating her cheek, and then…

Another stinging swat. Trinity cried out in wordless outrage. Sam had never spanked her before...she could barely convince him to use his teeth when she wanted that spark of pain with her pleasure. So what the hell was this? Was he always holding back before, the same way she had refrained from talking dirty in the sack?

And why did she like it so much?

His cock sank into her and curved upward. His hips collided with her ass, nearly sending her face-first off the bed; she again scrambled for something to grab onto, and settled for reaching back behind herself to hang onto his waist. "Sam!" His name had devolved to a shout on her lips.

"You like that?" His rough taunt was as unexpected as everything else he had surprised her with.

"No!" She wished she hadn't emitted the protest alongside a moan.

"I think you do." He stroked his hand along the curve of her rear. His gentler touch both tickled and eased some of the sting; he drew it back, and Trinity braced herself, heart racing with anticipation. When the third swat came, it was timed with a purposeful thrust. The force of Sam's entry drove her head down into the sheets, which was a good thing in hindsight—the shout that left her lips was probably loud enough to be heard all the way back in her home office on the opposite coast. Orgasm ripped through her; there had been no tell-tale build-up this time. One minute Sam was fucking her senseless, and the next thing she knew, the waves were crashing down around her, as high and wild as the California surf.

Trinity cried out into the mattress, muffling as much as she could of the involuntary sound as her body shook all over. For a moment she really couldn't remember where she was. All she knew was who she was with, and what he was making her feel…

Sam came in the next instant with an explosive groan. He rutted into her as he rode it out, and she eased back into each thrust as best she could. Even though she had already reached climax, she found herself still craving every last inch of him...and Sam was all too happy to oblige.

When he had finished, he slumped down onto her back with a sigh of contentment. Trinity stared out toward the open balcony. Her head spun, as if she had just been out partying after closing a massive deal. It had been a long time since she had let herself have such a fun, filthy romp with Sam.

Sam's head inched up her neck, and his blue eyes flickered up through a stray lock of sweat-soaked black hair. Trinity laughed at his expression and stroked it aside. "What?"

"I almost forgot the champagne."

Trinity laughed as he rose up from the tousled bedsheets to fetch the room service they had ordered hours ago. "I did forget the champagne," she admitted as he returned to her. She accepted the glass—an incorrect wineglass, Sam had noted to her before she silenced him with a kiss once the door closed.

She watched him take a satisfied sip. Even though his drink was lukewarm rather than chilled—even though the glassware was wrong and the bedsheets were wrinkled and they had yet to shower properly since touring L.A. for the better part of the day—he looked more content than Trinity could ever remember seeing him. L.A. was magic; she had no doubt about that now. Leave it to Sam to leave it to her to figure it out for herself. He probably had no idea how beautiful, how like paradise, the place he now hailed from was.

Still...when Sam looked at her the way he was looking at her now, Trinity thought he was capable of seeing beauty. She almost couldn't take the way his eyes traveled across her, dragging over her every curve with near adulation. It wasn't something he could express out loud easily, and Trinity wondered if he even needed to at this point. She knew what his look meant.

She knew what she was to him. And she knew what he had always been to her, despite her best efforts to forget and move on. Maybe seeing Sam now, in the extraordinary context of Los Angeles, was the new chapter she had been so desperately looking for.

"I love...I've loved the last few days we've spent together here," Trinity mentioned as they clinked their glasses together. Sam eased down beside her, and she inched closer in the sheets to be nearer to him.

"I've loved being together again too. Having you here, it's like I'm seeing everything again for the first time." Smile lines fanned out around his eyes, and Trinity realized he knew what she had really been about to say. Before she could summon the courage to try again, his phone buzzed on the mantle. Sam shot her a look of apology, and she shook her head. She wasn't threatened by the work interruptions anymore. Sam knew where she stood—the fact that he was even quietly asking her permission now was a huge leap forward. She watched as he set his champagne aside and thumbed his phone open. His contemplative expression bloomed quickly into one of sheer astonishment.

"What is it?" She trained closer to look, but Sam wasn't content to read the e-mail on his phone screen. He got up again to fetch his laptop. He flipped it open and clicked through a few Jameson security measures as she sipped her champagne and watched over his shoulder.

"William just announced two major expansion projects." Sam double-clicked the window to widen it for her to read. "I had no idea he was planning something like this."

Trinity craned forward. "Where?"

/> "In both the L.A. and Europe offices." Sam sounded out of breath. The news really had hit him out of left field.

She pointed to the recipients. "Look. This hasn't gone out to hardly anyone yet. This isn't an's more like an invitation to interview. Hey, even I'm on the e-mail list." She grinned. "I wonder who they'll choose to run the Europe project? Can you imagine if William gave it to Eddie?" She laughed. "It would be the one big Eurotrip sequel nobody ever asked for!"

"No way in hell Eddie's going to get it," Sam replied. "Not if I want it."

Trinity's heart skipped a beat, and then another. She set her own glass down. She looked at Sam for a long moment, but Sam was gazing off somewhere else. She wasn't sure he even knew they occupied the same bed anymore. "Do you want it?" she asked eventually. She wished she could muster more than a whisper to convey her surprise.

Her terrible, awful surprise.

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