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He bowed.

I bowed as well, awkwardly.

Kalle laughed. “Enough formalities. We’ll have time to get to know each other on the trail. For even my weak ears hear a warning from the hills.”

I looked around but couldn’t see anything threatening. How much time did we have, before whatever Kalle was talking about was upon us? I wasn’t ready for a battle. Would I ever be ready?

“We must move on,” Kalle continued. “We have enough time to clear this camp, and to eat those nuts — their nutflesh will strengthen our bodies and minds. Look at them now, with your third eye, in the fire, and tell me what you see.”

I looked.

There were maybe five or six dozen nuts in the fire, and each one glowed a different color, like a pile of fiery multicolored jewels. I could feel physical heat from the burning shells, but inside, there was a magical heat as well. There was some kind of connection between the two, one feeding the other, the physical the magical.

And wasn’t fire itself magical? My tutor had told me it wasn’t, but turning wood into heat and light and ash seemed if not magical at least wondrous.

“They’re beautiful, like a bed of jewels,” I said. “What are we waiting for?”

Kalle smiled. “Wait a little while longer. When they are ready, you will hear it. Then I’ll scoop them out of the fire and put them in this bag. We will throw dirt on the coals, and be off.”

I could see the glow of the nuts, but hear them? I looked at Kara but she was looking out into the forest.

She turned with a thin smile to me.

When the nuts are ready we’ll have around thirty seconds to get out of here. They’re coming, and I’m afraid the nutsong will bring them quicker.

I felt her worry as well. My tutor had told me about thought projection, but I figured it was one more thing that had gone the way of dragons. I had never experienced it before. Or had I? What had happened, when grandfather had died? Just before he died, hadn’t I heard words in my head? I couldn’t remember. I felt suddenly exhausted. I wished grandfather Henrik was still alive.

He’d know what to do. He had been a real wizard, not like my father.

Everything was happening too fast. And everything was damp and cold except for this fire, which would soon have to be put out.

He’s cold, Kalle.

I will fetch him what little I have. I travel light, now I will travel lighter.

Kalle’s thoughts rumbled through me like a heavy carriage on a dirt road.

“Will you please stop thinking about me,” I said. I felt ridiculous, my teeth chattering, shivering, so lightly dressed, so far from home. Here I was at night in the Schwarzwald, in my studying garb, which was scarcely more than underclothes. Of course I was cold.

And I still had that gunk on my face.

Kalle laughed. “He hears us Kara. He hears all, this Anders.” He drew away from the fire for a moment and then came back into the light. He was carrying a light cloak. “Here, Anders, take this.”

I caught the cloak thrown through the air and put it on.

Kara handed me a wet cloth, giggling. “Wipe that off your face, now.”

I felt warmer, but angry. Who were they to laugh and giggle? I wiped my face savagely, making the skin hurt.

Had I asked to be drawn into this whole crazy adventure? My parents would be home soon, and find my study destroyed. I hoped they would be in no danger themselves. And here I was on the other side of the world with a beautiful thief. And a man with pointed ears and a nose ring. And both of them were laughing. At me.

I wiped at my face again, and it felt clean.

For once the ache was gone. I wondered if the green paste was more effective than I had imagined. It had been ages since my face had felt this… normal.

Still, I was upset.

Who were these people, to pull me out of my life in the castle?

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