Page 25 of Untouchable (Haven Falls 1)
He averts his gaze. People get awkward when I let out a flicker of the darkness in me, a tinge of the rage buried deep in my gut. It whirls and pounds and howls.
“Reach out to Enzo. Tell him I want a meeting. He hasn’t killed anybody yet in his petty attacks. Maybe we can reach a settlement. We’ve been making good money for too long, helping our men and their families. We don’t need another war.”
Malcolm nods, standing. “Will do, boss. Is she going to arrive soon?”
I sigh, toying with the letter opener on my desk. It’s silver and sharp. The surface of my desk is scarred from the previous times I’ve fiddled with it, hacking at the wood.
“Yeah. It’s time for me to do my bit for charity.”
“At least Cameron should be grateful.”
“He wants nothing to do with me. I’m fine with that.”
That’s what I tell myself—and others—when I think about my old connection to Cameron. I can’t linger too long on what happened. Otherwise, my body floods with tension and rage. I’ll never understand why he disagrees with what I did, what I had to do. Soon, it’ll be time to interview his daughter for the maid position.
Malcolm turns and leaves. I go to my large window, looking out over my well-tended estate, the fountain flickering in the afternoon sunlight. Archie sits at my feet as he looks up at me, head tilted, dark eyes mirroring my anger. People say dogs look like their owners. If that’s the case, I must be dark, broody, and ready to bite.
“I last saw Bonnie when she was six years old,” I tell my loyal dog. “She was the shyest kid I’d ever laid eyes on. I don’t think she looked at me once. Just hid in Isla’s arms, face pushed against her chest, and now we’re playing this stupid game.”
Kneeling, I stroke Archie behind the ears. “The last thing Cameron needs is his daughter learning the truth, eh?”
One of my men, Grahame, pushes my office door open and gestures inside.
“Here you are, miss.”
Bonnie walks through the door. I take a step back when I see her as if I’m going to throw myself out the window.
My balls flood with seed. My mind floods with need. My world floods with blazing intent unlike anything I’ve ever felt, wave upon wave of certainty surging into me as I gaze at her and take in every detail of her curvy, young body.
She’s wearing a white shirt, buttoned up all the way, giving her a good girl look that appeals to me. That makes me want to bring out the bad in her. Her breasts are large and voluptuous, her hips wide and sculpted for my hands, her legs deliciously thick in her tights, her skirt hugging close to her sensual form.
Best of all is her wavy brown hair with a hint of red. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth opens in a shaky half-smile. There’s a flush in her pale cheeks.
Her lips tempt me to kiss them. Images rise in my thoughts of Bonnie on her knees, staring up at me, mouth open as I guide my manhood to her mouth, stroking it across her tongue. Or me, between those tastily thick legs, licking her sopping innocent slit.
She’s nineteen, less than half my age. She’s Isla’s and Cameron’s daughter. That should be enough for me to remember my manners.
“Uh, hello,” she says, standing behind the opposite chair. “Oh, and hello.”
Her voice brightens when Archie walks around the desk and sits at her feet. I stare dumbfounded as my dog smiles up at her. Usually, he barks and causes mayhem at anybody who walks through the door, even my most trusted advisors, but there’s something else here. It’s as if he already likes her. I know the feeling.
“You’re just the cutest, aren’t you?” she says, kneeling and stroking him.
This gives me a preview of what I want, my woman on her knees, her breasts jiggling temptingly with the movement. My beastly mind imagines how her body would shift in sex, every naked inch of her rippling with the reverberations of my possessive thrusts.
Kiss her, hold her. Once she’s sweaty and soaked with her release, maybe I’ll bring out some light in myself. Maybe. Or perhaps I’d fuck her ruthlessly again.
I imagine what Isla would say if she knew what I thought of her daughter.
Standing, Bonnie stares at me.
“So,” she says, “how do you know Dad?”
I can’t help but smirk. I don’t think about denying it.
“Did he mention something?”
“No, but you didn’t ask my address, and Dad’s acting suspicious. That flyer for the job, was that arranged?”
I laugh.
“Is something funny?” she snaps.
She’s got some fire in her, too. This just gets better and better.
“I’m impressed,” I tell her. “Yeah, your dad made that flyer at the local library. Whatever happened during this interview, you were going to get the job. I do need a maid, but I wanted to help your dad out.”