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The round-faced boy with adorable dimples said, “We’re going to my Gramp’s house in the country. He has a fishing pond, and I always catch a bunch of fish.”

Hands were waving at her, begging for their turns. “Thank you Donovan. Yes, Rita? What are your plans?”

“Uhmm... I forgot...” Tears began to swim in her eyes.

“I bet you can remember, Rita. Were you doing something with your parents? Or going somewhere? Or...”

“I remember. It’s my Momma’s birthday, and we’re going to Coney Island!”

“That sounds fun, Rita. Yes, Horatio?”

His eyes were big as he pointed over her shoulder. “There’s a man looking in the window!”

Every eye in the room riveted on Brad’s smiling face at the window. Grace knew her face was flushed as she moved to open the door.

“What are you doing here?” she murmured.

“I brought you flowers.” He grinned, whipping a bouquet from behind his back.

The room erupted in giggles and shouts. “Oooo!” “Ms. Marshall has a boyfriend!”

“I had to bring another set of flowers to pacify that crazy girl at the front. But she didn’t get any candy.” His other hand appeared holding out a huge bag of miniature Hershey bars. “There should be enough to share.”

Cries erupted. “I want some! Me, me, me!”

Despite her protests, the children were soon surrounding them, pushing and shoving to receive a piece of candy.

“Wait, wait!” she shouted. “I will give you a piece of candy if you will promise me to take it home and ask your parents for permission before you eat it.”

“There should be enough for everyone to have two.”

Chaos ensued, but soon every child had two miniature candy bars, and they were obediently stashing them in their backpacks and preparing to go home, chatting with excitement.

Grace muttered, “I can’t believe you stooped to coming to the school and bribing the children.”

His smile was unrepentant. “Whatever. I was desperate to see you.” He stood so close to her she had to crane her neck to look up at him. “You don’t know how tempted I am to sweep you into my arms and kiss you senseless.”

She felt her face flaming and hurried to change the subject. “How’s Ben doing after his surgery? Is he hurting a lot?”

“He’s Ben—he always lands on his feet. He’s high on pain medication and loving being waited on hand and foot. Right now, he’s telling all his old stories and jokes to Shanna Williams. And she laughs because she hasn’t heard them all, like I have.”

“Now who’s that? The name sounds familiar.”

“Olivia’s dentist friend.”

“Oh—that’s right. Olivia told me all about that. She was ticked because Ben didn’t learn any kind of lesson.”

“He’s such a lucky dog. It’s always like that with him—he gets away with murder.”

The bell rang, and all the children ran toward the door. Grace chuckled. First-graders ran everywhere when they were excited—walking was almost impossible.

But Horatio hung back to walk beside Grace and Brad. “Ms. Marshall, is that your boyfriend?” His lower lip pooched out and he kicked the floor as he walked.

“Yes, Horatio. This is my boyfriend, Dr. Gates.”

His eyes widened, and he stared at Brad. “You’re a doctor?”

“Yes, I work in the emergency room.”

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