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He paused is if to give her an opportunity to respond, but for once, she seemed to have lost the ability to speak. “So naturally, he wanted me to keep an eye on you. And before we spoke this weekend, I reviewed your record. On paper, you appeared to have excelled in every area, but close examination left me with some questions as to your actual moral motivation.”

She felt the blood pounding in her face as she sputtered, “What do you mean? What close examination?”

“I spoke with your fellow residents and, of course, your attending, Dr. Branson.” He paused, giving no further explanation, allowing time for his words to sink into the pit of her stomach. She wouldn’t expect a glowing reference from any of her fellow residents, whom she regarded with a certain amount of disdain. And Dr. Branson’s view of her would’ve been tarnished due to recent events.

As she opened her mouth to respond, he spoke again, his eyes wide and his face bri

ght. “But then Dr. Branson shared your extraordinary news.”

She stared at him for a moment before realizing her mouth was hanging open. She closed her lips while considering every possible bit of information that might qualify as extraordinary news.

“Of course, I’m referring to your application to work for Physicians Across Borders—such a wonderful organization. And this clearly indicates to me, and to your father, you could still become the selfless, noble physician and humanitarian he knew you could be.”

Relief flowed through her veins like a drug. She relaxed as the tension left her body, exultant her bogus application to the philanthropic organization had been of benefit after all.

“Yes, it’s such a great opportunity. I certainly hope I’ll have a chance to work with them.”

“Where were you hoping to go?” asked Anne. “It sounds exciting. But I have to admit, it also sounds dangerous and exhausting.”

“I’d be happy with any place in Africa. I’m not afraid of rough conditions.”

“I’m certain we can arrange for that to happen,” said Gherring, with an enigmatic smile.

A spidery feeling crept up her spine. “Really? What do you mean?”

“Only that your father and I have both used our considerable influence to assure your acceptance to the program.”

“But... But I haven’t even completed the application yet.” The blood in her veins felt as if it had been circulated through a freezer.

“No worries. Dr. Branson gave me your application, and we’ve expedited the process. We cut through all the red tape and went right to the top.”

Her voice rose into shrill tones. “You had no right to do that! I hadn’t decided for certain I wanted to complete the application. It was none of your business!”

He shrugged. “You can take it up with your father if you like. He said something about a trust fund that would be dependent upon your completion of a term with them.”

Her mind churned. Surely she could talk her dad out of this insane idea. He wouldn’t want her to pursue a term with the organization if he understood the dangers involved.

Gherring’s smile disappeared as he leaned toward her. “I spoke with your father again last night. He was quite disturbed when he heard about your recent nefarious activities and attempted blackmail of Dr. Gates.”

“Attempted blackmail? You’ve got to be kidding!”

His blue eyes were icy. She shivered, wondering how she’d ever thought she might be able to manipulate this man. “My legal advisors tell me the charge might not stick, but it would likely ruin your career. Understandably, many hospitals are reluctant to hire physicians who might attempt to run a scam such as the one you attempted, Dr. Dickson.”

He stood and walked toward the door. “But make no mistake... If I hear you’ve changed your mind about serving with Physicians Across Borders, I won’t hesitate to bring formal charges against you with the board.”

He opened the heavy door and gestured toward the exit with his open hand. Kara glanced at Anne, hoping to find some support from the unsophisticated woman with the friendly face.

Anne smiled. “By the way, I just love your purse! You must tell me where you got it. Perhaps I can find a factory second somewhere.”

Chapter Fourteen

Grace was feeling blue. She’d hardly seen Brad since they’d had their little define-the-relationship talk at the hospital, and they hadn’t spent any time alone together. It wasn’t anyone’s fault—life had simply interfered. Ben had had his shoulder surgery the day after Brad had been released from the hospital, and her school had held an open house.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, and her lips slipped into a smile. He’d been very prolific with his texts during the past few days, ending each one with I live you! By mutual, unspoken consent, neither one of them had spoken the other “L” word, instead using her accidental euphemism. She was still uncomfortable talking about love and marriage, but she admitted her feelings for Brad were stronger than any she’d experienced before. Fortunately, he wasn’t pressuring her to commit any time soon. At least he hadn’t so far.

It was Friday afternoon, and her first-graders were getting restless, knowing the weekend was fast approaching. She would have to delay reading Brad’s text for a few more minutes until the bell rang to signal the end of the school day.

“Does anyone have special plans this weekend?” she asked. At least fifteen hands shot into the air. “Yes, Donovan?”

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