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Nine Months Later

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“I can’t believe we’re finally at the glacier.” I take a sip of my water and stand next to my husband as we take it all in. It’s damn windy up here, and there are critters I’ve never seen before, but the scenery is just to die for. “Look at those rock formations.”

“Glaciers do incredible things to the landscape,” he agrees and chews on his protein bar. “It’s a great day for it.”

“I’m glad we waited until later in the season.” I watch as a white mountain goat picks his way along the side of a cliff. “It’s the end of August, and it’s still cold up here.”

“It’s never hot up here. Not really.” Seth wraps his arm around my shoulders and gives me a squeeze. “Besides, we were busy planning a wedding, and the ranch was crazy this summer.”

“I love that we got married out by the tree.” I smile up at him. “With all of those hearts and initials nearby. Your mom and Cara spent hours hanging flowers from the branches, and your dad insisted that he should mow the field.”

“They all worked their asses off,” he says with a nod. “It went off without a hitch. Because you planned it perfectly.”

“I’m a planner,” I remind him with a laugh. “So, if we kept going that way, where would we end up?”

He spends the next twenty minutes explaining what connects where in the park. I’ve learned that although Glacier National Park is big, the trails connect in all kinds of crazy ways.

If you want to hike more than twenty miles, that is.

And there was a time that I would have jumped at the chance.

But something tells me that this will be my last hiking season for a while.

“I have news,” I say before we start back down to the chalet, where we decided to spend the night.

“Oh?” He raises a brow. “What’s up?”

“Well, there’s going to be a new King in the family in about seven months.”

He blinks, and then his eyes drop to my stomach. “You’re pregnant?”


“For sure this time?”

“Yes, you idiot.” I laugh as he picks me up in a hug and twirls me around.

“Wait, why did we hike up here? That’s too much, Rem.”

“My doctor said it was okay. Really.”

“Okay, if Hannah said it was safe, I guess it’s all right. But this is it.”

I grin. “I thought you’d say that. I’m okay with shorter hikes. I’m pregnant, Seth, not disabled. I just won’t overdo it.”

He takes my hand and pulls me to him. Kisses me. “I love you, Rem.”

“I love you, too, handsome. You’re gonna be a daddy.”

His skin goes a little green, and I smile.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fun. An adventure.”

“Right.” He nods slowly. “And we have help.”

“So much help,” I agree. “We can’t screw this up.”

His face softens. “Can we name it Jeffrey if it’s a boy?”

“I like that. What if it’s a girl?”

He chews on his lip and looks out over the glacier before us. “Would you be upset if I suggested Carolina? Maybe we can call her Lina for short so we don’t confuse the two of them.”

“I’d have been surprised if you didn’t suggest it.” I link our fingers and lean on his biceps as we watch an eagle soar above the valley below, then take a deep breath. “It’s the way it should be.”

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