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“This is Bull Tyler.”

“Mr. Tyler. It is a pleasure. This is Refugio Cabrera.” He spoke good English but with a heavy accent. Bull put the phone on speaker. “You have fine sons. They have been very brave.”

“Can I talk to them?”

“Not just now. But I assure you, they are fine. We haven’t harmed a hair on their little heads. Give me what I want and they can be back in their beds tonight. Otherwise . . . But we will not talk about that now.”

“So tell me what you want, Cabrera.”

“I think you know.” The voice deepened, roughened. “I want Rose Landro, the bitch who murdered my brother in cold blood. Turn her over to me, and your sons will go free.”

“And if I don’t?”

Cabrera’s chuckle was the most evil sound Bull had ever heard. “If the wait is too long, we start with fingers, one by one, then maybe ears, and then . . . But I am sure you get the picture.”

Bull battled nauseating fear. No doubt Cabrera would do what he said and more. “She isn’t here. If

I can bring her, tell me where and when.”

“No if. Not if you want your sons back alive. There is an old barn on a back road south of the town, with a dead tree outside. Do you know it?”

“I know it. It’s the old Gunther place.”

“Seven forty-five. One vehicle, just you and the woman. No tricks and no police, or your boys will die. All I want is the bitch who killed Lucho.” The call ended with a click.

The four people in the room stared at one another, all of them knowing what had to happen next. “I’ll do it,” Bull said. “I’ll call Rose.”

* * *

When the phone rang, it was Tanner who took the call. “Bull, is there any news?” he asked, then paused and handed the receiver to Rose. “Bull wants to talk to you,” he said.

“I’m here, Bull,” she said.

Rose could hear the strain in his voice. “Cabrera has my boys. We’re meeting them at the old Gunther place at seven forty-five.”

The icy grip of terror closed around Rose’s heart. She fought against it, knowing what had to be done and that only she could do it. Nothing could be allowed to happen to Bull’s precious sons. If she had to go to Refugio, that’s what she would do.

“I’ll meet you at the ranch in a few minutes.” Rose hung up the phone. Bull hadn’t asked it of her, but he didn’t have to. It had to be done. She could only say a silent prayer for courage.

Turning to Tanner, she forced herself to speak calmly. “I have to go to the Rimrock right now,” she said. “Can I take your truck?”

“I’ll drive you,” Tanner said. “What’s happening?”

“I’ll tell you on the way.” She raced for the door, fearing that if he knew, he might try to stop her.

“Can I do anything to help?” Joe asked as Tanner followed her.

“This isn’t your fight, Joe,” Tanner said. “Take care of the place.”

They climbed into his truck. “What is it?” Tanner asked.

“Just drive,” Rose said.

“Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

“Just go. We can talk on the way.”

He pulled into the street and headed back through town. Rose could tell he was getting impatient. But what would she do if he stopped the truck and refused to take her to the Rimrock?

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