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Anyone expecting me to feel an ounce of remorse for the day’s events will be sorely disappointed. I wish he’d chucked both those bitches out the window and then maybe offed himself.

Okay I might have lied to my babygirl, just a little white lie. Though we had nixed the idea of killing them outright we’d certainly planned to make it easy for them to end up dead. Except for the major, we weren’t quite sure how far his involvement went so we weren’t sure other than to make him suffer with the knowledge of his wife’s betrayal how far to go. We’d surmised that with her past coming back to haunt her and the threat of the community finding out that Joann would take her own life; a narcissistic fuck like her wouldn’t be able to live with the loss of respect even if they moved like we’d planned. Celine was another kettle of fish, the plans for her were still on course whether her accomplice lived or died.

The cops had a shit load of questions ‘what were we all doing there?’ etc.

I wasn’t too worried about their questions though, between my family and the Escalantes there was no way anything was going to come of our presence here.

There were a handful of witnesses who’d seen Major Fielding throw his wife out the window, a good lawyer could claim duress, but I’m pretty sure the Escalantes would see that that didn’t happen.

Needless to say it was a given that the major was going to spend some time behind bars. Doing hard time. It was hard to feel sorry for him in this whole fucked up scenario there had been one victim, Delia, the innocent child who’d done nothing but had borne the brunt of a lie.

He was babbling like a two year old by the time they took him away in handcuffs.

Our presence was simply explained as a family matter that revealed some harsh things, too much for the major to handle and he reacted badly.

Delia’s name was never mentioned and if I had my way, it never would be that was the decision we’d all made before, that no matter what she’d had enough.

By three o’clock that evening Joann had been stabilized, she would live but she’d never walk again.

She’d spend the rest of her life dependent on others for her care, let’s hope her caregivers were as kind to her as she’d been to my wife.

I would see to it.

As a doctor, I knew pretty much where all the worst places for the infirm could be found, and though we’ve always fought to put those places out of business, this time I was hoping for the worst for her.

Words simply were not enough to describe how much I hated this woman.

From the hospital I headed to the ritzy hotel where Celine had been ensconced. I called my girl on the way to see how she was doing.

“Hi baby girl, how’s your day so far?”

“Great, thank you so much, I can’t believe how much I needed this, I got a massage and a facial and…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down baby.” She made me laugh, it felt good to laugh after the morning I’d had.

I wish I could share with her what had transpired but no, we’ll leave things as they were, letting her believe for at least a little while longer that her family had just been relocated somewhere.

Eventually I’d tell her the truth, then again maybe not, I didn’t see the benefit in it for her.

Vito and I had already pooled our considerable resources to ensure that none of this was ever leaked to the press. I didn’t want her finding out some other way, not before I had a chance to tell her first, if ever.

“Oh, sorry, then I got lots of nice things for the peanut, wait until you see….”

She went on and on about her day so far and all I heard was the joy, the lack of tension in her voice.

I would do it all over again to ensure that she found this peace always.

No one else better fuck with her because I’d learned that I had no tolerance for anyone who did.

She’d started out as……. revenge I guess, and had become so much more, she was everything, her and peanut. I am going to spoil the hell out of them both, there wasn’t anything she’d ever want for first and foremost love, I’ll make sure she had that everyday for as long as we lived. For everyday she’d gone without it I’d see she got double.

For all the heartache and misery she’d suffered as a child I would see to it that it was remedied tenfold. I will uncover every dream she’s ever had, and if it was at all in my power, see to it that they came true.

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