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“Baby, I want you to buy something…better yet let me talk to mom a minute.”

She passed the phone off to my mom, I could hear her and Paulina chattering away in the background.

“Hi son, what’s going on?”

“Mom I need you to do me a favor.”


“I need you to buy Delia something totally frivolous and obscenely expensive, don’t let on what you’re up to or she’ll fight you tooth and nail, but if you should happen to be at the Jeweler’s, or even one of those handbag places you like so much, if there’s anything that she seems to like get it for her.”

“That’s my kind of favor, you’re such a good kid.”

“You raised me right I guess, let me say bye to my baby.”

I said bye to her after telling her to have fun and that I’ll see her later for dinner, not one mention of her ex relatives, and I didn’t feel any guilt, so far so good.

After I hung up, my whole attitude changed.

It was time to go face Celine for the last time, I didn’t have much to say to her, besides she was so strung out it probably wouldn’t mean much anyway, but I needed this closure, needed to put what she was behind me.

It’s funny, throughout this whole ordeal I never once thought of what she’d done to me, not once, it was as though it didn’t matter, but what she’d done to Delia, that deserved a hell of a lot worse than she was getting.

At the hotel the back door had been left slightly ajar as prearranged, I couldn’t have it known that I was anywhere in the vicinity, that would raise way too many questions.

I slipped quietly up the stairway to the third floor where the security cameras had been jammed to avoid my being caught on video.

The extra room key was where it was supposed to be, everything smooth and coordinated, the Escalnte brothers are a little scary with their attention to detail not to mention the way thus command such loyalty from others.

She was already enjoying the goodies we’d had supplied for her and barely noticed the door opening.

“You, if it isn’t the big bad Chase Thornton, how many lives are you planning to destroy today?”

I didn’t bother answering her bullshit question, I was here for one thing only.

“How are you doing Celine, you don’t look so good.”

“Screw you.”

“No thanks, I like my dick exactly where it is, besides my wife is the most amazing lay I’ve ever had.”

“That insipid bitch, hah.” Her words were slurred and she was barely cognizant.

“I’ll let that one slide.” Yeah I was feeling generous because I could see our plan was working splendidly.

“Whatever, you two deserve each other anyway, losers.”

“You didn’t think I was such a loser when you were after me to marry you.”

“That’s because I thought you were fun……” She was busy getting high while we chatted, was she always on drugs, or did she start down this path after the rehearsal dinner fiasco? I guess I’ll never know.

I laughed my ass off at the fun reference but didn’t reply, this wasn’t about that anyway, I’d stopped beating myself up over her using me a long time ago. No it was time to turn the screws and get the hell out of there, she was nothing, and looking at her here and now, her mask completely off and what she was plain to see I was thankful once more that she’d not gotten her hooks in me.

“So anyway I’m just here to tell you about your sister and her good fortune, I’m sure you’d be happy to know that she is the heiress to a multibillion-dollar corporation, that her father and uncles are doing everything in their power to see that she’s ready to run the corporation within a year? So now not only does she have my money and name behind her, she also has the Escalantes.

She’s now one of the wealthiest heiresses in the world.”

I could just see the venom in her shooting eyes and tightened lips, good, chew on hat I hope it’s the last thing you think of before you draw your final breath.

“Did you know she’s having our first child? Yep the first of many, even though you tried to kill this one with your little stunt, we plan to have at least six, all healthy boys and girls who will be loved by their mother and father. Did I ever thank you for bringing my beautiful wife into my life? No sorry about that how remiss of me. Had I not met your lying deceitful ass I never would’ve found my treasure she’s the best thing to ever happen to me in my whole life, nothing else compares.”

“Get out.”

“Rot in hell you evil bitch.” I didn’t spare her one last look before turning for the door. That didn’t take too long at all, she was fighting that needle into her arm pretty hard there by the end of my little speech.

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